WARNING, Work in progress until Monday
rails new railsember
rails webpacker:install # requires node > 10, yarn
yarn install --check-files
bundle install
rails s
rails generate model User name:string password:string email:string active:boolean password_digest:string
rake db:migrate
rails generate model Session token:string active:boolean user:references
rake db:migrate
Generate api-only
rails new --api app_name
rails server
rails test
rake test
Generate controlers. This is about, with about method
rails generate controller about about
Generate models:
rails generate model Lesson name:string description:text
Model with references
rails g model dish name:string rating:integer restaurant:references
Generate resource:
rails generate resource entry title:string body:text published:boolean
rails generate resource api/v1/user email:string name:string password:string
rails generate resource api/v1/story title:string body:text published:boolean user:references
Generate serializers
rails g serializer category
rails generate jsonapi:serializable tag
Check routes:
rails routes
rake db:migrate
for other envs:
export RAILS_ENV=production
rake db:migrate
Populate the Database
rake db:seed
curl http://localhost:3000/courses
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"title":"xyz","description":"xyz", "published": "false"}' \
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"title":"xyz","description":"xyz", "published": "false"}' http://localhost:3000/courses
## Enable access to last commit for heroku
heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata -a railsember
Where railsember is the name of the app.
Then we should have: HEROKU_SLUG_COMMIT
Running it:
bundle exec rubocop app
bundle exec rubocop -A app test
bundle exec rubocop app test
Gen config:
bundle exec rubocop --auto-gen-config