
application using the poke-api

Primary LanguageCSS


Application that uses poke api as data source to get information about pokemons to save it in an database, so our api can consume it to display on a grid! This is an study purpose project.

How to setup the app locally

  • Clone the repository
  • Run npm install in backend and in frontend folders
  • Configure your sql database in knexfiles.js and in connection.js files
  • Creates the database as you named in your files in the past step
  • run npm run knex:migrate to generate the database structure
  • use npm run dev to run the backend
  • use npm start to run the frontend

Api Documentation

  • POST /seedpokemons to seed the database with a high number of pokemons. This route receive a body with the following structure:
     "max": 150 
    where "max" is the number of pokemons to be generated. We don't recommend you to pass numbers bigger than 150 because this can be a slowly request.
  • GET /pokemon to get all pokemons. This route can receive an "type" query param to filter the pokemons. The possible type values are: bug, dark, dragon, electric, fairy, fighting, fire, flying, ghost, grass, ground, ice, normal, poison, psychic, rock, steel, water. Currently you can only filter for 1 type.
  • GET /pokemon/:name to get an specific pokemon by name.
  • POST /pokemon/:name to create a pokemon in database by name.
  • POST /pokemon/:name to delete a pokemon from the database by name.




