
My Arch Linux configuration files.

Primary LanguageGLSL

Dotfiles of pxeemo!

My Linux distribution configuration files



See Catppuccin for GTK & QT theme

Used Apps

  • lf → TUI file manager based on Vim
  • ncmpcpp → Music player with MPD
  • kitty → Terminal emulator

Packages to be installed:

hyprland hyprpaper hypridle hyprlock hyprpicker jq socat eww-tray-wayland ncmpcpp
ffmpegthumnailer rsvg-convert zathura-pdf-poppler imagemagick atool slurp dunst 
eza bat-extras bat lf fzf wl-clipboard kitty xdg-user-dirs fish mpd mpc mpv rofi 
wofi grim libnotify