
Secure your NGINX locations with JWT

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This is an NGINX module to check for a valid JWT and proxy to an upstream server or redirect to a login page.

Building and testing

To build the Docker image, start NGINX, and run our Bash test against it, run


When you make a change to the module, run make rebuild-nginx.

When you make a change to test.sh, run make rebuild-test-runner.

Command Description
make build-nginx Builds the NGINX image
make rebuild-nginx Re-builds the NGINX image
make build-test-runner Builds the images used by the test stack (uses Docker compose)
make rebuild-test-runner Re-builds the images used by the test stack
make start-nginx Starts the NGINX container
make stop-nginx Stops the NGINX container
make test Runs test.sh against the NGINX container (uses Docker compose)

The image produced with make build-nginx only differs from the official Nginx image in two ways: the module itself and the nginx.conf configuration entry that loads it.

The tests use a customized Nginx image, distinct from the main image, as well as a test runner image. By running make test, the two test containers will be created up with Docker compose, started, and the tests run. At the end, both containers will be automatically stopped and destroyed.

This project is 100% Docker-ized.


This module depends on the JWT C Library

Transitively, that library depends on a JSON Parser called Jansson as well as the OpenSSL library.

NGINX Directives

This module requires several new nginx.conf directives, which can be specified in on the main server or location level.

auth_jwt_key "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"; # see docs for format based on algorithm
auth_jwt_loginurl "https://yourdomain.com/loginpage";
auth_jwt_enabled on;
auth_jwt_algorithm HS256;    # or RS256
auth_jwt_extract_sub on;     # or off
auth_jwt_validate_email on;  # or off
auth_jwt_use_keyfile off;    # or on
auth_jwt_keyfile_path "/app/pub_key";

The default algorithm is 'HS256', for symmetric key validation. When using HS256, the value for auth_jwt_key should be specified in binhex format. It is recommended to use at least 256 bits of data (32 pairs of hex characters or 64 characters in total) as in the example above. Note that using more than 512 bits will not increase the security. For key guidelines please see NIST Special Publication 800-107 Recommendation for Applications Using Approved Hash Algorithms, Section 5.3.2 The HMAC Key.

The configuration also supports the auth_jwt_algorithm 'RS256', for RSA 256-bit public key validation. If using "auth_jwt_algorithm RS256;", then the auth_jwt_key field must be set to your public key OR auth_jwt_use_keyfile should be set to on with the auth_jwt_keyfile_path set to the public key path (nginx won't start if the auth_jwt_use_keyfile is set to on without a keyfile). That is the public key, rather than a PEM certificate. I.e.:

auth_jwt_key "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";


auth_jwt_use_keyfile on;
auth_jwt_keyfile_path "/etc/nginx/pub_key.pem";

A typical use would be to specify the key and loginurl on the main level and then only turn on the locations that you want to secure (not the login page). Unauthorized requests are given 302 "Moved Temporarily" responses with a location of the specified loginurl.

auth_jwt_redirect            off;

If you prefer to return 401 Unauthorized, you may turn auth_jwt_redirect off.

auth_jwt_validation_type AUTHORIZATION;
auth_jwt_validation_type COOKIE=jwt;

By default the authorization header is used to provide a JWT for validation. However, you may use the auth_jwt_validation_type configuration to specify the name of a cookie that provides the JWT.


By default, the module will attempt to extract the sub claim (e.g. the user's id) from the JWT. If successful, the value will be set in the x-userid HTTP header. An error will be logged if this option is enabled and the JWT does not contain the sub claim.

auth_jwt_validate_email off;

By default, the module will attempt to validate the email address field of the JWT, then set the x-email header of the session, and will log an error if it isn't found. To disable this behavior, for instance if you are using a different user identifier property such as sub, set auth_jwt_validate_email to the value off. Note that this flag may be renamed to auth_jwt_extract_email in a future release.