OPE-SR: Orthogonal Position Encoding for Designing a Parameter-free Upsampling Module in Arbitrary-scale Image Super-Resolution
This is the official implementation for the paper OPE-SR: "OPE-SR: Orthogonal Position Encoding for Designing a Parameter-free Upsampling Module in Arbitrary-scale Image Super-Resolution" (CVPR 2023)
- python 3
- pytorch 1.8.1+cu111
- tensorboardX
- timm, imageio, yaml, tqdm, matplotlib
- download the datasets. see LIIF.
- put the datasets as follows:
├── benchmark
│ ├── B100
│ │ ├── HR
│ │ ├── LR_bicubic
│ ├── Set14
│ │ ├── HR
│ │ ├── LR_bicubic
│ ├── Set5
│ │ ├── HR
│ │ ├── LR_bicubic
│ └── Urban100
│ ├── HR
│ ├── LR_bicubic
├── div2k
│ ├── DIV2K_train_HR
│ ├── DIV2K_valid_HR
│ ├── DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X2
│ ├── DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X3
│ └── DIV2K_valid_LR_bicubic_X4
- download the pre-trained encoder:
Model | Download |
EDSR-OPE | Google Drive |
RDN-OPE | Google Drive |
- mkdir save, put the checkpoint as follows:
├── train_edsr-ope
│ ├── epoch-1000.pth
├── train_rdn-ope
│ ├── epoch-1000.pth
e.g. use EDSR encoder to test 0803.png in test_imgs folder for scale x4,x6,x8,x12, results will be saved in exp_folder.
python ope_demo_zoom.py --exp_folder save/train_edsr-ope --ckpt_name epoch-1000.pth --hr_path test_imgs/0803.png --scale_list 4 6 8 12
e.g. use EDSR encoder for div2k x12 scale.
python test_auto.py --exp_folder save/train_edsr-ope --test_config configs/test-configs/test_CIR-SR-div2k-x12.yaml
e.g. train EDSR encoder use GPU 0:
python train_ope_arbSR.py --config configs/train-div2k-configs/train_edsr-ope-1.yaml --tag exp_01 --gpu 0
e.g. train RDN encoder use GPU 0,1:
python train_ope_arbSR.py --config configs/train-div2k-configs/train_rdn-ope-1.yaml --tag exp_01 --gpu 0,1
We would like to express our gratitude to LIIF and LTE for their invaluable contribution to the development community. Our project is built upon them, which provided the foundation for much of our work. As beginners in this field, we learned a great deal from their project and were able to build upon it to create something new.