
Some wine region data I've found on the web

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Some wine region data I've found on the web

In order to create a new geojson for a specific appellation, do the following.

  1. Search OpenStreetMaps.org for the appropriate map data
  2. Once the appropriate boundary looking shape is shown, tap the export button
    • This will likely produce an error as the map size is too large: You requested too many nodes (limit is 50000). Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm
  3. Below the export call to action are more exporting options. Tap Overpass API. This will download the map data with all information that OpenStreetMaps contains
  4. Convert the osm file with the following command:
  • ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON map.geojson map-3 multipolygons
  • For additional reading: OGR Instructions
  1. Filter out the generated geojson file so that we only show administrative boundaries with the following command:
  • cat map.geojson | jq '. | {type: .type, name: .name, crs: .crs, features: [.features[] | select(.properties.type == "boundary")]}' > filteredMap.geojson
  1. Test the output on: GeoJson.io
  2. Commit to the appropriate Region and Subregion directory in this repo