A GitHub Action that installs and executes flake8 Python source linting during continuous integration testing. Supports flake8 configuration and plugin installation in the GitHub Action settings.
- 030Utrecht, Netherlands
- artob@asimov-platform
- AtlasPilotPuppySalt Lake City
- azsh1725Saint Petersburg
- Bakhtiyar-GarashovZendesk
- BananaLoaf
- BenjaLepe
- bruvioOxford
- EliahKaganSyracuse, NY
- frankcashOak Park, MI
- GrandMoff100Insight Maker LLC
- GriceTurrbleATD - American Tire Distributors
- H4ppy-04Student
- HannaPylieva-GBI
- haroldrandom/dev/null
- ilovepovidla
- inderoZürich
- indrapaul824Moveworks
- iwyooLG AI Research
- josjo80Deep Agenci
- k2bdLondon, UK
- KaratasFurkan@Hipo
- KonstantinKlepikovPoland
- mbrukman@Google
- mischievousdev
- ngocnhan2003GVM
- nicolaus-holanda
- rtk-rnjnIndia
- s-simoncelliUK
- shinya-ichinoseki
- shivan-sEyeSpace
- sruud
- StanzillaManticore@ManticoreGamesInc
- syphar@thermondo
- timomohr
- YuzuRyo61@MisskeyIO