This is the repository for the monthly challenges. Here you can:
- See the challenges for every month
- Upload your solutions to tasks
There is a toplevel folder for each month with a
file that explains each challenge. Inside you will
find subfolders for every challenge where all submitted code is kept. For example:
- May/
As you can see, each file is named after the Slack username of the submitter.
You can clone the github repository to download all the files: git clone
Or you can use the interface of the github website to download.
First you will need to fork the py-study-group/challenges repo. Your forked repo is where you should put your solutions, and it is from here that you submit them to the py-study-group/challenges repo.
For details on how to accomplish this, please see: Fork a Repo
Once you have completed a challenge and wish to submit it, make sure that it exists in your forked repo under the appropriate month/challenge directory and named by your Slack username (for example,
For details on how to do this, please see: Adding a file to a repository (web) or Adding a file to a repository (command line)
Once your solution has been placed into your forked repo you should initiate a pull request into the main py-study-group/challenges repo so that your solution(s) can be merged.
To create a pull request, please see: Creating a pull request from a fork
Once your pull request has been submitted, an admin of the py-study-group will review and merge it into the py-study-group/challenges repo where it will be appear alongside all of the other submitted solutions.