
Laravel Active State Url Helper For Request

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Active State

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Simple Laravel Active Checker For Request Url

Sometimes you want to check the request url is active or not For the following purpose. Especially for backend sidebar.

Bilby Stampede

Basically we do like this.

<li class="sidebar {{ Request::is('post') ? 'active' : 'no' }} ">Post</li>
<li class="sidebar {{ Request::is('page') ? 'active' : 'no' }} ">Page</li>

It would be nice if we can make shorter. right ?

<li class="sidebar {{ active_check('post') }} ">Post</li>
<li class="sidebar {{ active_check('page') }} ">Page</li>


Install with composer:

Laravel 5.4 and above

composer require pyaesone17/active-state:^1.1.1

Laravel 5.3 and below

composer require pyaesone17/active-state:^0.0.2

And add the service provider in config/app.php

'providers' => [

If you want to use the facade, add this to your facades in config/app.php

'aliases' => [
    'Active' => Pyaesone17\ActiveState\ActiveFacade::class,

To publish configuration file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Pyaesone17\ActiveState\ActiveStateServiceProvider"


It will check against whether your request is www.url.com/data If the request match this url . It will return the default value from config file. The default value for true state is "active" and false is "no". You can configure on active.php .

{{ Active::check('data') }} 

To check the exact url.

{{ Active::check('data') }} // check request is www.url.com/data

To check the url deeply , just pass the true value as second parameter.

{{ Active::check('data',true) }}  // check request is www.url.com/data || www.url.com/data/*


{{ Active::check(['data','post','categories']) }}  // check request is www.url.com/data || www.url.com/post || www.url.com/categories
{{ Active::check(['data','post','categories'],true) }} // check request is www.url.com/data/* || // check request is www.url.com/post/* || www.url.com/categories/*

To change the return value in runtime, just pass the the third and fourth parameter.

{{ Active::check('data',true,'truth','fake') }} // it will override the value from config file.

Or you can even use helper function.

{{ active_check('data') }}

You can also use this package for conditional displaying data. In some case, You need to render some part of template depends on request.

    <p>Bar and Bazz</p>

Advance Usage and Above version 1.1.1

To check the route name is.

{{ Active::checkRoute('users.index') }} // check request url route name is "users.index"


{{ Active::checkRoute(['users.index','users.show', 'users.edit']) }} // check request url route name is "users.index" or "users.show" or "users.edit"

Sometimes passing multiple routename as parameters is cubersome. You can simple do like this

{{ Active::checkRoute('users.*') }} 

Ofcousre you may change the return value in runtime as second and third params.

{{ Active::checkRoute('users.index','routeIsActive','routeNotActive') }} 


{{ Active::checkRoute(['users.index','users.show'],'routeIsActive','routeNotActive') }} 

For helper function.

{{ active_route('users.comments.*') }} 

Yes it is also avaialable in blade.

    <p>Bar and Bazz</p>

To check the url with the exact same query paramter value.

{{ Active::checkQuery('users?gender=male') }} // check request is www.url.com/users?gender=male


{{ Active::checkQuery(['users?gender=male','users?status=married']) }} // check request is www.url.com/users?gender=male or www.url.com/users?status=married

Ofcousre you may change the return value in runtime as second and third params.

{{ Active::checkQuery(['users?gender=male','itIsMale','Ah it is wonder woman') }} 


{{ Active::checkQuery(['users?gender=male','users?status=married'],'male or married','nothing') }} 

For helper function.

{{ active_query('users?gender=male') }} 

Yes it is also avaialable in blade.

    <p>Bar and Bazz</p>


Everytime u update package, you have to run "php artisan view:clear" for blade directives.


You can configure the return value of active state.

return [

    // The default  value if the request match given action
    'active_state'      =>  'active',

    // The default  value if the request match given action
    'inactive_state'    =>  'no'
