How to use

Install the operator framework sdk

For the beginning just follow these steps of the official doc.

Or execute

Initialize the a new operator

#!/usr/bin/env sh

# Create a new giphy-operator project
operator-sdk new giphy-operator
cd giphy-operator

# Add a new API for the custom resource AppGiphy
operator-sdk add api --kind=AppGiphy

# Add a new controller that watches for AppGiphy
operator-sdk add controller --kind=AppGiphy

# Build and push the app-operator image to a public registry
operator-sdk build pyaillet/giphy-operator

Or execute

After this step you should have a functional build

Modify the CRD to add your properties

Edit the file pkg/apis/app/v1alpha1/appgiphy_types.go Find the lines:

type AppGiphySpec struct {
  // INSERT ADDITIONAL SPEC FIELDS - desired state of cluster

Insert this line after the previous ones to specify the tag used for this particular AppGiphy:

  Tag string `json:"tag"`

As stated in the code comment, launch the command to generate the code relative to this type in the giphy-operator dir:

operator-sdk generate k8s

Modify the controller to adapt resource creation

copy the controller example :

cp operator-example/appgiphy_controller.go giphy-operator/pkg/controller/appgiphy/appgiphy_controller.go

Rebuild and push the operator

operator-sdk build pyaillet/giphy-operator:0.1
docker push pyaillet/giphy-operator:0.1


  • Replace the image name in the deployment descriptor deploy/operator.yaml with your image:
  - name: giphy-operator
    # Replace this with the built image name
    image: pyaillet/giphy-operator:0.1
  • And add the following env var to inject giphy api key:
  value: {{GIPHY_API_KEY}}
  • Deploy the Operator and other needed resources
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/app_v1alpha1_appgiphy_crd.yaml

Define the GIPHY_API_KEY:

sed -i "s/{{GIPHY_API_KEY}}/$GIPHY_API_KEY/" deploy/operator.yaml

On MacOS do:

sed -i "" "s/{{GIPHY_API_KEY}}/$GIPHY_API_KEY/" deploy/operator.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/
  • Verify that the CRD has been created
$ kubectl get crd
NAME                        CREATED AT   2019-02-27T22:23:02Z
  • Create a new Custom Resource
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: AppGiphy
  name: example-appgiphy
  tag: dog
  • Verify that a new Pod corresponding to your CR is being created:
$ kubectl get po -l app=example-appgiphy
NAME                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
example-appgiphy-pod   1/1       Running   0          100s

Test that's working:

$ kubectl port-forward <POD_NAME> 8080

Open your browser to http://localhost:8080