This library allows you to handle bitcoin links on your website.
Like it?
Send me some bitcoins: 14rqCoRQcyEaoaXjc8iLwa2s7HNHGjiEjp
- Style bitcoin links, only applies to href with "bitcion:..."
- Provide a popup with information
- Displays QR-Code
- Bitcoin Address
- Link to blockchain
- Link to open with the bitcoin protocol
- Source: https://github.com/pyalot/jquery-bitcoin-link/blob/master/index.html
- Github pages: http://pyalot.github.io/jquery-bitcoin-link/
- Live: http://codeflow.org/bitcoin/link/
The library depends on
- jQuery: http://jquery.com/
- jquery.qrcode: http://jeromeetienne.github.io/jquery-qrcode/
How to Use
Include the dependencies into the head tag on your website.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="res/bitcoin-link.css"></link>
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.qrcode.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.bitcoin-link.js"></script>
Add a bitcoin link anywhere
<a class="bitcoin-address" href="bitcoin:14rqCoRQcyEaoaXjc8iLwa2s7HNHGjiEjp">Styled Link</a>
Invoke the jQuery plugin to attach the behavior to the link
Add a link style with the class "bitcoin-address"
<a class="bitcoin-address" href="bitcoin:14rqCoRQcyEaoaXjc8iLwa2s7HNHGjiEjp">Link</a>
Set a bitcoin amount to display
<a data-amount="0.1" href="bitcoin:14rqCoRQcyEaoaXjc8iLwa2s7HNHGjiEjp">Link</a>
Set a USD amount to display (queries MtGox for conversion)
<a data-amount="$10" href="bitcoin:14rqCoRQcyEaoaXjc8iLwa2s7HNHGjiEjp">Link</a>
License MIT/BSD
Copyright (c) 2013, Florian Boesch pyalot@gmail.com http://codeflow.org/
- MIT: see license/mit
- BSD: see license/bsd