- 0n3man
- ahdinosaur@villagekit
- Argon-Pub
- AstroWa3lEvolutionary Technologies Inc.
- Coool🇪🇺
- craigevilHeaven
- Cuda-ChenSeeking for opportunities
- dagryphVancouver, WA
- dreygur@slishee
- elevin04USA
- gistbucket
- hetykai
- hmsjy2017@raspbian-addons
- holishingNCKU
- iav
- Jai-JAPIn front of an Computer
- JuenTingShieTaiwan
- lfreyes97
- LucyBox
- Maxjr2IGL Düsseldorf gGmbH
- mhfowlerBerlin
- mstaackElbgoods
- oxmc@pi-ware, @snorain, @homers-bot-devs, @Griphitor
- pleaseprojectMontreal, QC
- ptr1337@CachyOS
- re2zero@uniontech
- rsennFreiwillig im Einsatz für die Städtische Neophytenbekämpfung Bern
- ryanfortnerRaleigh, North Carolina
- satr@bouvet
- sean0921NCKU
- tamagoezJapan
- teuchezh@wilix-team
- Thore-KrugGermany
- wcatzKick them in the teeth productions
- YourWishesPeoria, Illinois, USA