REQ Github template repository
Closed this issue · 8 comments
It would be really convenient if this repo and the other examples could be converted into Github template repositories.
Dup of pybind/cmake_example#22 (in a different repo). I'd be fine with it, but I don't have permissions to change this or cmake_example. I do for scikit_build_example, so I can start with that one. @wjakob, could you set these two? It's just a checkbox at the top of settings on the main page. It adds a "template" button which duplicates the repo but does not fork. Users can still fork if they want to (see scikit_build_example).
It also might be nice to add a link to, which uses cookiecutter to make a new repo, and the "pybind11 setuptools" choice is pretty much this example (while following the Scikit-HEP Developer guidelines on style and packaging setup and CI).
This is a great idea! Although I think that it would be preferable to use a cookiecutter rather than a github-specific feature, as it would be more "open-source" friendly.
The problem with cookiecutter is that it's not very friendly in repo form - it forces someone to use cookiecutter, vs. looking at it in the repo as an example or just copying manually. The GitHub version simply adds a button that lets you "copy but not fork", and doesn't change the repo contents at all. (There's not a way to add template variables, or anything GitHub specific). As such, it's not "open-source" unfriendly; if we were to move to GitLab, you'd just enable the matching feature (if it exists, don't remember for GitLab).
Having a cookiecutter would not be a replacement for the example in that case, but extra. I'd just point to other cookies (like the one above) instead of maintaining something new. Setting up the CI for testing a cookie was a bit painful and not interested in repeating more times than necessary ;)
I was going to use as an example for how it used to be done manually, but they actually switched to using the GitHub template button. The old instructions were removed here: carpentries/workshop-template@7781190
The GitHub version simply adds a button that lets you "copy but not fork", and doesn't change the repo contents at all.
Yep, that's how open-source loses.
I've pushed the button to make this a template repo (+ the cmake variant)
Great, thanks.
For what it's worth, the workflow this button replaces for me is:
- creating a new repo
- downloading the contents of this repo as a zip from the Github page
- extracting the zip in the new repo and committing the files unchanged
Cookiecutter provides a more powerful workflow because it automatically adjusts the package name etc., but does require running an additional program, so the two options can easily coexist.
This doesn't require a special custom program, it just replaces forking, which is already a GitHub specific thing!. Open source git itself has no idea of forking. Sure, all web hosts tend to have a fork concept (and, unlike pull requests vs. merge requests, it's even usually the same name), but it's still host specific (GitHub, in this case). This just adds a button in the UI that skips the GitHub fork procedure and makes a simple true copy. That's it. Open source didn't lose anything.
Now if they provided a template syntax, like $NAME
or something, then I could see that as a (minor) loss for open source. But they don't; there are no repo changes. Cookie-cutter would not be very friendly for users wanting to look at an example; it would not be an example, but only a template for making cookies, and would be a very different repo. Not that that's bad, but it's different (and requires more work).
Besides, scikit-hep/cookie already provides this and includes powerful static checks and such, so I'm not in a hurry to duplicate work for myself. :)