Example pybind11 module built with a Python-based build system
- 2
- 9
ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_python_example)
#99 opened by etienne87 - 0
yocto recipe for this example
#189 opened by ymkim92 - 3
- 4
- 2
- 2
Install compiled package in a Jupyter Notebook
#129 opened by mulderp - 1
- 1
Cannot compile with conda build
#106 opened by kejang - 0
Compilation issue on macOS 12.3
#103 opened by mustafaquraish - 16
- 2
Difficulty uploading to pypi?
#84 opened by franklynwang - 4
Why the same code can be built and installed on Linux and macOS but not on Windows?
#96 opened by sun1638650145 - 1
#95 opened by petrasvestartas - 0
What about the pygrep hooks for the RST files we added recently. Those seem quite useful.
#92 opened by henryiii - 1
trying to install kivy on ubuntu
#81 opened by BleakFox - 1
Several pybind errors trying to install scipy from source on Linux Mint 19.3
#49 opened by JustinS6626 - 6
- 1
Building with MinGW
#58 opened by rafael-fuente - 3
Fixes for MinGW
#35 opened by inducer - 1
python-example installs pybind11 too late
#52 opened by mglisse - 1
pybind11.get_include() with virutalenv
#59 opened by JSeluga - 8
REQ Github template repository
#72 opened by jpauwels - 13
Question on building a hybrid C/C++ extension.
#21 opened by mreineck - 4
Linker error building on macOS
#70 opened by drewcassidy - 1
Ubuntu 16.04 support
#29 opened by YonatanSimson - 2
- 6
- 6
Libopenblas issues in conda build when adding <pybind11/numpy.h> functionality on OSX
#66 opened by EelcoHoogendoorn - 2
- 2
Failed compiling on MacOS with C++17 flags
#48 opened by guyarad - 12
Errors in build output of source distribution
#16 opened by MathMagique - 18
Building the docs
#31 opened by fbartolic - 1
pip.req : No Module Found error
#56 opened by ugurkanates - 0
Segfault on cleanup with multiple_inheritance and return_value_policy::reference
#51 opened by arjansomers - 0
more sophisticated examples
#50 opened by AlbertZhangHIT - 2
- 0
Documentation generated with Sphinx
#46 opened by tvatter - 1
Install fails on OSX 10.13
#43 opened by 8enmann - 2
Missing arguments to linker on OS X/llvm
#22 opened by molpopgen - 1
- 5
Install fails: No module named 'pybind11'
#32 opened by DomHudson - 4
How to package external shared object file
#37 opened by safijari - 2
- 7
add pybind-module as a submodule
#26 opened by benmaier - 1
Example for opencv image processing binding
#24 opened by pzoltowski - 4
- 13
Defining best practice for `__version__`.
#12 opened by SylvainCorlay - 13
Rename repository
#10 opened by wjakob - 11
Use pybind11.get_include()?
#8 opened by wjakob