- 4
Deprecate/remove all non-SSL APIs in pyOpenSSL
#1321 opened by alex - 2
Issue with TLS 1.3 Session Resumption in PyOpenSSL
#1380 opened by Smuul - 2
X.509Name.get_components() doesn't process Subject values like X.509Name.__getattr__() does with Unicode strings.
#1305 opened by zeriny - 1
[docs] Use Furo?
#1286 opened by webknjaz - 1
generate_key report error
#1364 opened by zhanglei327 - 1
Repeated extension
#1378 opened by dulanshuangqiao - 1
- 2
How to decrypt openSSL PKCS#7
#1312 opened by Diogoku - 1
- 1
#1307 opened by baltamar3 - 1
#1362 opened by kinoute - 0
- 0
- 0
sect163k1 is not appearing in the ClientHello message
#1322 opened by hamma96 - 1
- 2
MemoryError: Cannot allocate write+execute memory for ffi.callback() in ASLR enabled machine - FreeBSD
#1267 opened by Soujanya459 - 16
- 1
CVE-2023-6129 Safety vulnerability
#1300 opened by millerserhii - 2
Support for `cryptography.X509.Extensions` in `pyopenssl.X509.add_extensions` etc?
#1295 opened by wgreenberg - 12
24.1.0: pytest fails in 3 units and some pytest warnings
#1298 opened by kloczek - 2
RFE: is it possible to start making github releases?🤔
#1294 opened by kloczek - 1
TLS 1.3 Session Resumption with PSKs in pyopenssl?
#1291 opened by dennisn00 - 0
- 0
- 0
Add SSL_OP_CLEANSE_PLAINTEXT to exported set of options
#1302 opened by evilaliv3 - 4
Add support for retrieving negotiated SRTP profile
#1278 opened by jlaine - 2
Does pyopenssl support SM2?
#1225 opened by nntp4 - 2
RemoveError: 'pyopenssl' is a dependency of conda and cannot be removed from conda's operating environment.
#1277 opened by karami-omid - 1
Some X509 Tests fail on v24.1.0
#1301 opened by chereskata - 1
24.1.0: sphinx warnings `reference target not found`
#1299 opened by kloczek - 1
Selection of PKCS12 MAC algorithm
#1266 opened by jcucurull - 2
- 3
Implement PyOpenSSL deprecated functions as calls into Cryptography library
#1270 opened by justineakehurst - 1
SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list missing implementation
#1224 opened by BillyGLW - 1
Fix vulnerability CVE-2023-3817
#1263 opened by TawdeKalpesh - 5
Deprecate `X509Extension` and `CRL` APIs
#1249 opened by facutuesca - 1
Stop using BN_set_word
#1227 opened by reaperhulk - 9
- 1
Use SSL_session_reused API
#1275 opened by adiroiban - 0
CI tests failing due to new version of flake8
#1240 opened by ich199 - 1
cryptography vulernabilities CVE-2023-38325
#1233 opened by crbean - 2
- 7
- 2
- 1
TLSv1 handshake failure when called do_handshake() error : OpenSSL.SSL.Error: [('SSL routines', '', 'no protocols available')]
#1243 opened by ratnapolepalli - 1
- 2
Does order matter when verifying an X.509 store?
#1237 opened by kaedenbrinkman - 1
Missing export of `OpenSSL.SSL.FILETYPE_ASN1`
#1217 opened by ChristianStadelmann - 0
Misleading docstring in test_renegotiation
#1216 opened by BillyGLW - 0
bind SSL_get_info_callback
#1215 opened by glyph