
Аpplication for keeping feeds from https://github.com/firehol/blocklist-ipsets (only *.netset and *.ipset files are aggregated) in PostgreSQL with including historical changes. For requests developed HTTP-based API service.

Primary LanguagePython

Aggregator of FireHOL IP lists

Аpplication for keeping feeds from blocklist-ipsets (only *.netset and *.ipset files are aggregated) in PostgreSQL with including historical changes. For requests developed HTTP-based API service.

Some features of keeping and processing data:

  • New data is written to existing data with last_added field update.
  • Data deleted from reputation feed is not deleted from the application database. For such data, last_removed field is updated.
  • Field timeline is based on events of adding and removing item from reputation list.

Start application

To start the collection module and the HTTP-based API service, just type:

sudo docker-compose up -d

The collection module will start automatically.

By default, the HTTP-based API service is available by port 8000.


There are several API-functions for obtaining various information about feeds:

  • POST /search - retrieve all information about requested IP or CIDR format objects
  • GET /feeds - retrieve all information about feeds
  • GET /feed/info - retrieve all available information about the feed by its name
  • GET /feeds/categories - retrieve all feed categories
  • GET /feeds/maintainers - retrieve all feed maintainers
  • GET /maintainer/info - retrieve all available information about the maintainer by its name
  • GET /maintainers/by_category - retrieve all maintainers by category
  • GET /ip/bulk/by_category - retrieve all IP addresses that are in feeds filtered by feed category

The API documentation is accessed by requesting any undefined URL.

Example usage

A simple python3 package fiaclient in designed as a client for FireHOL-IP-Aggregator API.

Install the package with pip:

pip install fiaclient

Get a client object in python3 console:

from fiaclient import fiaclient
client = fiaclient.FIAClient(fia_url="")

To get information about fiaclient package visit https://github.com/spacepatcher/FireHOL-IP-Aggregator/blob/develop/fiaclient/README.md.

The application is able to get search requests in IP or CIDR format, also in mixed list of both data types. To search, run the command in python3 console:

result = client.search(payload=[""])

Here is an example of the result of the requested payload:

    "blacklisted_count": 1,
    "currently_blacklisted_count": 0,
    "feeds_available": 188,
    "request_time": "2018-02-02T14:27:59.957559+03:00",
    "requested_count": 1,
    "results": [
            "categories": [
            "currently_blacklisted": false,
            "first_seen": "2017-11-08T12:00:38.932354+00:00",
            "hits": [
                    "category": "reputation",
                    "current_status": "absent",
                    "entries": "37968 unique IPs",
                    "feed_name": "hphosts_psh",
                    "first_seen": "2017-11-08T12:00:38.932354+00:00",
                    "last_added": "2018-01-12T11:35:49.283765+00:00",
                    "last_removed": "2017-11-19T07:09:04.321675+00:00",
                    "list_source_url": "http://hosts-file.net/psh.txt",
                    "maintainer": "hpHosts",
                    "maintainer_url": "http://hosts-file.net/",
                    "source_file_date": "Wed Jan 31 16:18:34 UTC 2018",
                    "timeline": [
                            "added": "2017-11-08T12:00:38.932354",
                            "removed": "2017-11-19T07:09:04.321675"
                            "added": "2018-01-12T11:35:49.283765",
                            "removed": ""
            "hits_count": 1,
            "ip": "",
            "last_added": "2018-01-12T11:35:49.283765+00:00"

If the observable is not found in the application database, the response will look like this:

    "blacklisted_count": 0,
    "currently_blacklisted_count": 0,
    "feeds_available": 188,
    "request_time": "2018-02-02T14:31:17.291948+03:00",
    "requested_count": 1,
    "results": []

Also you can generate search requests using cURL:

curl -X POST --data ',' -H 'Content-Type: text/html' localhost:8000/search

Important files

  • conf/app.conf - the main configuration file with several parameters.
  • conf/postgresql.conf - the main Postgres configuration file (generated with http://pgtune.leopard.in.ua/).
  • app/entrypoint.sh - the entry point for the application container.
  • docker-persistence/app-data/log/run.log - the main log file.

Application configuration

The most important configuration parameters from conf/app.conf are listed in the table below.

Parameter Description
"unique_ips_limit" Defines the limit of the number of unique IP addresses in FireHOL feeds that will be aggregated (the goal is to filter out huge feeds)
"sync_period_h" Defines time period for syncing with FireHOL IP list repository
"firehol_ipsets_git" Defines FireHOL IP lists repository url

Also it's possible to change count of workers that process queries to API in app/entrypoint.sh by changing --workers argument value.

gunicorn --bind= --workers=4 --timeout 3600 api:__hug_wsgi__

It's recommended to use 2 workers per 1 core (do not forget to change max_connections parameter in conf/postgresql.conf).

To apply configuration changes you should rebuild containers:

sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose up --build