
This project demonstrates Pydantic Logfire.

It's designed to be a simple app with enough functionality to show some of the things Logfire can do.

Running the demo

  1. Follow these instructions to get setup with logfire, you'll want to export your logfire write token as LOGFIRE_TOKEN so it can be used by docker compose.
  2. Create a GitHub token and set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable. export GITHUB_TOKEN=<github token from step 4> (this is used for the "GitHub lines of code counter" demo).
  3. Create an OpenAI token and set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable (this is used for the "LLM Query" demo)
  4. Run docker-compose run -d.

Now you can go to the Logfire demo page and try the app.

You can find your project Dashboard link at the end of the page. Click on the dashboard link to see the live logs from the demo project.