- 2
Update Django setup doc to deal with local settings
#620 opened by ksamuel - 3
cannot import name `'ServerRequestHook'` from `'opentelemetry.instrumentation.asgi'`
#621 opened by adarshpunj - 1
Support opentelemetry-instrumentation-llamaindex
#614 opened by yanqianglu - 2
LiteLLM <> Logfire critical error
#573 opened by CharlesFarhat - 7
System Instrumentation: How to use properly
#599 opened by satwikkansal - 0
- 0
Minor bug: `logfire.configure(token="")` actually tries to use an empty token
#608 opened by alexmojaki - 2
`@logfire.instrument` should work in bear mode
#537 opened by samuelcolvin - 2
How Can I filtered by LOGFIRE_ENVIRONMENT?
#568 opened by Tagite - 1
- 6
Daily CI with unpinned deps
#580 opened by alexmojaki - 0
- 2
- 3
- 3
Test Python 3.13 in CI
#471 opened by alexmojaki - 0
- 2
LLM tool call not shown for streamed response
#542 opened by jackmpcollins - 0
Document `instrument_httpx(client)`
#581 opened by Kludex - 11
It should be possible to install `logfire` without automatically enabling `logfire-api` use
#520 opened by samuelcolvin - 1
httpx instrumentation issue with authlib
#478 opened by rmasters - 4
`logfire.instrument_httpx()` breaks OpenAI SDK
#529 opened by samuelcolvin - 1
- 3
Issue to send log from Google Cloud Run
#554 opened by m-lce - 0
[Feedback] Alerts are not user friendly
#567 opened by ddahan - 0
- 4
Doc: add installation with uv
#526 opened by sylvainmouquet - 3
Docker logs / Kubernetes logs
#544 opened by vitalik - 0
use `snapshot()` instead of `insert_assert`
#522 opened by samuelcolvin - 3
- 7
Can sign up for Pro
#549 opened by jessereich-mcs - 2
- 6
- 1
- 1
Improvement to `capfire`
#523 opened by samuelcolvin - 1
Weird span count display
#530 opened by betterthanever2 - 1
How to pass logfire tags via loguru
#524 opened by satwikkansal - 0
- 3
Logging to multiple logfire project simultaneously
#493 opened by Mumbawa - 0
Automate releasing more
#470 opened by alexmojaki - 9
uv.lock has pinned pyscopg-binary==3.2.3, which can't be build on Mac M1
#490 opened by AdolfoVillalobos - 0
- 5
Propagate tags to child spans
#492 opened by LumaC0 - 2
- 4
Setting up Multi environment (local + production)
#455 opened by ddahan - 1
Logging formatter for stdout log records
#486 opened by LumaC0 - 0
- 0
Improve search for alternative backends/clients
#484 opened by alexmojaki - 1
Is there a way to log images so they are displayed when looking at logged data?
#476 opened by ohmeow - 0
More logging configuration docs
#473 opened by alexmojaki - 2
Will the UI be open sourced?
#468 opened by RajaPoseidon