
This handler allows Pydap to serve data from any relational database supported by SQLAlchemy.

Primary LanguagePython


This handler allows Pydap to serve data from any relational database supported by SQLAlchemy. Each dataset is represented by a YAML file (with extension .sql) that defines the database connection, variables and other associated metadata. Here's a simple example:

# These parameters are mandatory; they define the database to connect and the
# table holding the data. Note that table might be a selection.
    dsn: 'sqlite:///simple.db'
    table: test

# This is just metadata defining the dataset; no attributes are required.
        history: Created by the Pydap SQL handler
        dataType: Station
        Conventions: GrADS

    contact: roberto@dealmeida.net
    name: test_dataset
    owner: Roberto De Almeida
    version: 1.0
    last_modified: !Query 'SELECT time FROM test ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1;'

# This is just metadata defining the sequence; no attributes are required.
    name: simple
    items: !Query 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM test'

# Each variable must have an attribute called `col`, referencing the column;
# all other are optional.
    col: id
    long_name: sequence id
    missing_value: -9999

    col: lon
    axis: X
    grads_dim: x
    long_name: longitude
    units: degrees_east
    missing_value: -9999
    global_range: [-180, 180]
    valid_range: !Query 'SELECT min(lon), max(lon) FROM test'

    col: lat                                                                    
    axis: Y                                                                     
    grads_dim: y                                                                
    long_name: latitude                                                         
    units: degrees_north                                                        
    missing_value: -9999                                                        
    global_range: [-90, 90]                                                     
    valid_range: !Query 'SELECT min(lat), max(lat) FROM test'                   
    col: time                                                                   
    axis: T                                                                     
    grads_dim: t                                                                
    long_name: time                                                             
    missing_value: -9999                                                        
    axis: Z                                                                     
    col: depth                                                                  
    long_name: depth                                                            
    missing_value: -9999                                                        
    units: m                                                                    
    col: temp                                                                   
    long_name: temperature                                                      
    missing_value: -9999                                                        
    units: degc

Note that you can have attributes that read from the database. They should be prefixed by the token !Query.