
Dota 2 Python AI

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


DeepMind (the guys behind the recent AlphaGo RL approaches) have recently (about a month ago) began working on their next ambitious project, namely RL-based AI for StarCraft II (with support from Blizzard).

They have created an open-source framework for this work so others could get involved (the open-source is just for the interaction with the game and custom/mini-games, etc. - but no actual agent learning code is shared). LINK: DeepMind SC2 Project

I have decided to port the applicable (aka useful) part of their framework to create an open-source Dota2 framework for RL-based AI approaches. Since a large part of their framework is used, the same license applies.

How It Works

Currently the port of pysc2 and the extra development necessary for Dota2 are a Work-In-Progress. A lot of things need to be modified from the SC2 domain for Dota 2, b/c there is drastic differences between the Blizzard API and the Valve API for bot-scripting.

Significant API Differences

  • Blizzard's API is presented in terms of graphical layers based on game UI. As a result, a lot of pysc2 code is about interpreting information that is presented at each layer (i.e., minimap, screen, unit-frame, etc.). Dota 2 API gives us object handles for everything so we don't need to do any of this transformation or interpretation.
  • pysc2's approach is to have the agents replicate human-like actions by essentially making clicks on the visual layers (e.g., mouse clicks on the minimap/screen), control groups selection via mouse click-and-drag to make a rectangle and select all units, etc.). They do make use of some hotkeys for unit actions (like train this unit, build this building, etc.). I do not believe we want to do this for pydota2 as IMHO it is an unnecessary layer of complication and we have the ability to directly send actions to the hero (aka agent).

Machine Learning Thoughts

Reinforcement Learning (in my eyes, remember I'm a noob here still), is very reminiscent of the typical OODA Loop.

We have observation data about our environment that arrives in the form of direclty queryable environment API or through CMsgBotWorldState data dumps; we then have to interpret that information and transform it against our state space model to determine which state we are in (this is the OODA orientation phase); we then decide what to do (this can be based on some optimal value estimation in a refined model, through gradiant descent, or a random action if we are still learning); and finally we perform the selected action in the real-environment and await feedback in terms of new observations and a reward value. The reward estimation would have to be represented as a tuple with immediate reward, near-term reward, and long-term reward evaluation.

Critical to us will be the granularity and abstraction of the state space. The richness of observations we have available to us is too rich (for example, we know the location of every single tree that's visible and we could represent this information in our state space and have separate state for tree XYZ being there and not being there, and if it is there we could have the action to cut it down with a quelling blade; but this would lead to a very huge state space we could not realistically explore and optimize in a timely fashion). Figuring out the appropriate world state abstraction layer is an important research item, and one that will take a lot of refinement.

Development Plan

Reinforcement Learning Strategy

This is very nebulous currently as I continue to play with various ideas in my head. Please note, while I have been reading on various machine learning strategies and approaches, I've only been at it for a month or so on spare time and I have yet to write my own environment, policy & value networks, loss function, etc. ergo I am very noob and possibly have some basic and fundamental misconceptions on the topic still. Feel free to correct me and teach me if you see these.

My current thinking is the following:

  1. We are going to need at least 2 separate policy networks (possibly 3) to deal with the various facets of the game like objective thinking, lane group thinking, and independent hero thinking. In my opinion, these can be all developed independently and have no reliance on each other (meaning you can learn one while having the actions of the other 2 hard-coded).
  • objective thinking to me is the high-level objective strategy we want to learn which controls in which part of the map each of our heroes/units should be and what they should be doing. Ideally it will learn how to perform both, offensive and defensive responses to things such as split push, ratting, deathballing, etc. Included in this will be collective team actions such as using Shrines, Roshing, Item Purchasing (i.e., it's not a good idea to have multiple of certain items on the team), Global Ability Usage, and Courier Usage.
  • independent hero thinking is all the strategy and action selection that corresponds to a specific hero and his current objective tasking. It only considers the hero's nearby localized surroundings for optimal action selection in the localized state space representation. Concepts that we hopefully learn are things like last hitting, maintaining lane equilibrium, effective item/ability usage, fighting and harassing enemy, jungling, denying, how creep/tower aggro works, neutral stacking\pulling, etc. Included in this is the concept of minion/illusion management.
  • lane group thinking - in my head I currently am debating if this is a necessary layer or something that can be a part of or emerge from the independent hero thinking. My intention here is that we might want a layer to represent laning teams and the strategies that evolve from mini-groups of heroes working in a localized environment. Possible strategies here are ganking, baiting, forcing enemy out of lane and XP range, kill wombo-combos, and even defensive manuevers such as enemy hero blocking for low-health friend running away.
  1. Proper hero selection that accounts for hero synergies, counter-picks, banning certain counter-picks to our team, etc. are all a completely different part of the whole system. They occur at a different point in time compared to actual game play, but are equally important. Accounted in our hero selection would have to be the concept of hero roles (carry, support, etc.) and the initial laning assignments. This whole thing would be its own policy and AI model.
  2. It is my intention and hope that the code we write for #1 can be done with a hero-agnostic approach. For example, when we learn creep blocking I hope we can achieve proper results using model bounding box, turn rate, movement speed, and current location as inputs to the neural net, and thus abstract the actual knowledge of which hero it is away. Similarly, for ability use I hope we can represent abilities as inputs with certain features (i.e., is a stun, stuns for X.Y seconds, global, mana cost, raw damage, damage type, is passive, is AOE, AOE shape and size, provides buff, provides debuff, is a projectile, projectile speed, is channeled, is Aghs upgradable, etc.) and thus we learn to use effectively an ability, rather than a specific hero's ability (thus even making our bots effective in Ability Draft).

Code Execution

My intention is that there will exist several ways to train the system and, therefore, run the system. The main entry points will all exist in the pydota2/pydota2/bin directory. These include:

  1. proto_ingest.py - this creates two listening sockets for accepting protobuf CMsgBotWorldState dumps from the Dota2 client and simply stores them to file in separate directories, 1 .bin file per dump, per team. The directories are created in pydota2/replays/ and are named as YYYY_MM_DD_HHmm_<team> where team is either Dire or Radiant.

    The intention for creating these is to allow for crowd-sourced replay repository of games (with the hope of eventually getting Valve to support the CMsgBotWorldState dumps in actual game replay format :: meaning, I can download a professional game, and watch it while dumping the world state every X frames) and thus use professional games as training fodder for AI.

    When using this mode you need to run Dota2 with the appropriate launch options.

    Necessary Launch Options: -botworldstatetosocket_radiant 12120 -botworldstatetosocket_dire 12121 -botworldstatetosocket_frames 10 -botworldstatesocket_threaded


  2. replay_actions.py - this mode is used to train our AI by parsing the replay recorded CMsgBotWorldState dumps acquired ourselves or from shared crowd- sourced data and stored in pydota/replays/.

    The plan here is to train our neural network by looking at the actions taken by the heroes in the replay, comparing them against our policy and value networks, and then by looking into the future frame dumps that occurred evaluate and refine our networks based on the results of those actions as what occurred in game.

    While ultimately we will want to train/re-train our agents using custom, self_play and human_play modes, initially as we are figuring out the appropriate world state model to use (i.e., what variables to tune, what knowledge to hardcode, what reward values to use, etc.) we will need a test corpus of data to quickly evaluate various approaches and how they converge.


    Currently the multi-process replay ingest framework that stores metrics about its progress is complete. We do need to still address how many frames to maintain in memory at the same time as loading a full replay all at once can often-times eat up 2.5Gb of memory easily; therefore, when we are evaluating several replays at the same time on a low-end system we can easily use up all available system RAM.

    We next need to create a World State model to base our policy on; create a set of valid Actions that each hero can take at each specific point in time (aka frame) based on what hero they are, what items they have, what abilities they skilled, etc.; write a sane valuation function so we can evaluate actions as being good or bad and thus train our agents.

  3. custom_game_training.py - this mode is used to train specific layers of the multi-layered policy network as well as a testbed for coding specific ideas. Writing AI for Dota2 (a 5v5 real-time game) is ground-breaking work. There is a lot of unknowns in terms of how to do it right and even exactly what to do in the first place.

    Examples of possible custom games to create:

    • Creep Blocking
    • Learning to use a Specific Item/Ability - some items can be hardcoded, but others are hard to code the conditions for optimal use (think Eul's).
    • Last Hitting
    • Jungling


    The path forward is to leverage work of other individuals that already started down this path (with their permissio of course) in terms of creating custom game scenarios and maps to train specific aspects of the game.

  4. self_play.py - this mode is the main mode for training our system once we believe we have something solid in place. It is intended to work similar to how AlphaGo Zero was created in that the AI learns by playing itself over and over and over and thus complete the coverage of its state space models and the evaluation of various actions so we can optimize decisions.

    To be realistic and timely we probably need Valve support for headless high-speed capability to play games so we can run hundreds of thousands of games that will be required.


  5. human_play.py - this mode is more reminiscent of the original AlphaGo approach, in that supervised learning occurs. We can refine our system by playing progressively better teams of human players to further learn and improve our strategies and understanding of the game.


    This mode of training will require the same code base as self_play.py in terms of setting up our models, environment, etc. The only difference is that we will be controlling one side of the two-sides in the game (and as a result, we will only need to be pulling world state data through our network protobuf protocol for one side).

  6. unit_tests.py - this is not really a mode per say, but a series of coded unit tests to help ensure that as we make changes to our code we don't accidentally break certain functions/algorithms we have already developed.

    This is inspired by the post HERE


  7. <other methods>.py - we might in the future come up with other methods of play we want to support (for example: human-assisted play where a human makes all the actions and we monitor the decisions and make suggestions or simply evaluate the quality and speed of the decisions to score the human).

The way to run these require you either set your PYTHONPATH variable to the outer-most pydota2 directory explicitly or you set it temporarily for the current python run (this is if running in a command shell). Alternatively, you can run this through an IDE like PyCharm which has option to include the base directory into the PYTHONPATH for you when running.

If using command shell

On Windows:


:> python pydota2\\pydota2\\bin\\<one of the 6 above .py files>

On Linux\MacOS:

:> PYTHONPATH=. python pydota2/pydota2/bin/<one of the 6 above .py files>

General TODOs

  1. Decide what protobuf information (and any transformations on it or inference from it) are necessary to feed as inputs into our env model for detection of hidden layers.
  2. Create a method for evaluating all possible actions each agent can take in a given state to enumerate all the transitions to new_state that can occur and thus complete our policy network.
  3. Write our valuation functon for evaluating the goodness of an action. The research here is what information to use as indicators of "good" and "bad" and in what combination. Pure "net_worth" or "KDA" is not sufficient IMHO as we all have seen teams win games that have 0 kills total, or teams come from behind a huge net worth deficit through ratting strategies, etc. So how to to determine the value of an action (taking into account the effort required to do action) and how far into the future to look in order to evaluate the result of the action might not be immediately visible.