
a terminal plugin for vim8.1

Primary LanguageVim script


A terminal plugin for vim8.1, version lower than 8.1 has no terminal mode. This plugin holds a terminal buffer in your buffer list and provides an easy way to switch your focus from working buffer to a terminal

Install vim8.1

You can only fetch vim of 7 or 8.0 via tools like apt or dnf. Thus to taste new feature of vim8.1, you need to build your vim from source code.

5 Steps:

  1. Clone vim's source code from its github repo
  2. cd vim
  3. ./configure
  4. make
  5. sudo make install

No customizable key binding provided for this version of one terminal

Use t for terminal toggling


add the following statements into your .vimrc


Plug 'pyeprog/oneTerminal'


Bundle 'pyeprog/oneTerminal'