
Django App to deal with rates from one port to another port.

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Create a Python 3.7 virtualenv and activate it.
  2. Clone the repository -: git clone https://github.com/pygaur/ratestask.git
  3. cd to App -: cd ratestask/ratestask
  4. Install dependencies :- pip install requirements/dev.txt
  5. create database in postgres.
  6. migrate your models - python manage.py migrate
  7. run server python manage.py runserver

Total time spent

10-12 hrs

Batch Processing Task

Each time my API will receive request to update price, I will publish a message to a message broker(rabbitmq).

I will write consumers which will be processing these rabbitmq messages.

With above approach i am providing -

  1. Processing price update in background (we can make it super scale)
  2. setting up retry queues(we will retry if any error comes in processing)
  3. I can use multi processing( run more than 1 consumer in parallel) to process heavy data.
  4. system will be highly decoupled

Tech Stack :- Flask , celery , rabbitmq , postgres, redis.



Have not written unit test cases for this app due to time constraint.