- 0
Tutorial's data folder path
#48 opened by ccalvocm - 0
MODFLOW NWT binary for Linux name
#47 opened by ccalvocm - 0
Sink processing w/ RichDEM
#45 opened by jptraylor - 1
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Stream Processing Tutorial Issue
#41 opened by boatmorrow - 1
Begin removing pyGSFLOW raster class
#37 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 1
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Typo in pyGSFLOW documentation
#34 opened by ccalvocm - 1
JOSS review feedback 2
#19 opened by mdbartos - 4
JOSS review feedback
#12 opened by thurber - 1
Examples should be included in documentation for accessibility, not just jupyter notebooks.
#23 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 0
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When running unit tests, netcdf4 is needed. This should be mentioned in the docs.
#25 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 0
When installing on linux, user needs to make the binaries executable (`chmod +x gsflow`, `chmod +x CRT_1.3.1`). This step should be mentioned in the instructions.
#24 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 0
Check for typos in the documentation pages. Noticed a few reading through them.
#20 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 0
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Lines 48-49 in the paper have a duplicated expression "binds them into a single integrated model instance"
#18 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 1
There is a reference to installing version 1.0.0 specifically; since there is already a v1.0.1, it might make sense to generalize this sentence a bit.
#13 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 1
Also in that notebook, there's a couple plots of Tmax data -- the first doesn't filter out the missing values but the second does -- I think it would be good to add some commentary about that
#17 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 1
Some of the output in the notebooks is excessive (i.e. beginning of AG notebook), could be nice to trim that down so it's easier to skim through
#14 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 1
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In the `1_pygsflow_intro.ipynb` notebook, there's a comment that mentions forcing the parameter type as follows, but I don't think it follows
#16 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 2
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MODSIM split lake polylines
#2 opened by jlarsen-usgs - 0
SFRrenumber broken with FloPy update
#3 opened by jlarsen-usgs