
Anonymous Web Application Framework

Primary LanguagePython


The anonymous web application framework goal is to provide a web application environment that automatically publish itself to the Tor network as a Tor Hidden Service.


The default web application built within the Anonymous Web Application framework include several functionalities available trough a minimalistic web interface:

  • Tor Hidden Service Setup GlobaLeaks relies on Tor Hidden Services for exposing itself to the internet. Tor can be configured to automatically create a Tor Hidden Service at startup. The web application automatically detect if Tor has properly setup a Tor Hidden Service and read it's .onion domain name.
  • Tor Startup The application let the user to see the status of Tor, to stop/start/restart it
  • Tor Configuration The application let the user edit the default Tor configuration file, save it.
  • Tor Hidden Service reachability test The application let the user check if the Tor Hidden Service is properly reachable by making a an outgoing connection and seeing as a Tor client that the Tor Hidden Service is working properly (make sure that the Tor HS is published to the DA, by default this is done every 10 minutes, but can be tweaked to be less).
  • Tor2web publishing Tor Hidden Services are automatically exposed trough the internet by the Tor2web project (http://www.tor2web.org). The node by default is automatically exposed to via Tor2web, must it must be possible to disable inbound connection coming from Tor2web. The web application let the user to disable/re-enable inbound connections via Tor2web. Tech: This can be done by looking at the X-Tor2web: HTTP header
  • Configure Bind Address The application let the user define the bind address of the application. By default the application only bind to but it may be possible to bind it also on other IP address or .
  • User interface The status of the node and the setup procedure should be configurable from a user interface. We should figure out the best way to present this, but at least insert into the application logic the fact that the user will be guided through a wizard to setup their node. They will also be shown the current status of the node.
  • Browser Startup The application when started and initiatlized must automatically open the system browser on http://localhost:8080 (or other port where the tornadoweb listen)

Build System

Creating a simple .exe/.app/.deb one-click installer should be done using pyInstaller.