
A simple WebSocket-to-TCP proxy/bridge you can use in NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

WebSocket-to-TCP proxy/bridge in NodeJS (forked & inspired by https://github.com/novnc/websockify)

Build Status License

Node-websockify is a WebSocket-to-TCP proxy/bridge you can use in a NodeJS program.

As said it is inspired of the javascript library of https://github.com/novnc/websockify. Unfortunately this library can't be used directly in a nodeJS program.Thats the reason why I created this project.


Import this module in your project

npm install --save node-websockify

Require the module and call the main function in your programm code

var websockify = require('@maximegris/node-websockify');
source: 'url:port',
target: 'url:port',
web : './directory',
cert: 'certSSL',
key: 'certSSL-key'

Example :

var websockify = require('@maximegris/node-websockify');
websockify({  source: '', target: ''});


Alias Values Default
source URL of websocket Server null
target URL of the VNC Server null
web Directory of static sources exposed by the server null (optional)
cert Path of the SSL certificate null (optional)
key Key of the SSL certificate null (optional)