
An Introduction to Transparent Machine Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

An Introduction to Transparent Machine Learning

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This repository contains a Jupyter book on An Introduction to Transparent Machine Learning, part of the Alan Turing Institute's online learning courses in responsible AI. It is developed as a PyKale repository for deployment as an Alan Turing Institute repository.

The latest development version of this book is available at pykale.github.io and the latest stable version is deployed at alan-turing-institute.github.io.

Welcome your feedback and contribution via opening issues, discussions, and/or pull requests.

© Haiping Lu and Shuo Zhou

Building the book locally

If you'd like to develop and/or build this book locally, you should:

  1. Clone the source repository at PyKale: git clone https://github.com/pykale/transparentML.
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required dependencies for building the book (it is recommended you do this within a virtual environment).
  3. (Optional) Edit the book source files located in the content directory.
  4. Run jupyter-book build content from the project directory transparentML to build the book.

A fully-rendered HTML version of the book will be built in content/_build/html/.


This repository uses pre-commit. If you will contribute to this repository (most welcome!), please install pre-commit and run pre-commit install prior to committing. If you have already committed, but your PR is failing because of a pre-commit error, run pre-commit run --all locally to inspect and fix the error.


We welcome and recognise all contributions. Please see our Contributor Guidelines and Code of Conduct for more information. You can see a list of current contributors in the contributors tab.


This project is created using the excellent open source Jupyter Book project and the executablebooks/cookiecutter-jupyter-book template.


All content except for YouTube videos is released under the MIT License. YouTube videos are embedded according to YouTube's Terms of Service.