
Machine Learning based app in Django

Primary LanguageCSS


Mileage per gallon performances of various cars

The ultimate aim is to create a web application which can predict the mileage of the car based on user inputs.

Steps involved:

  • training the Random Forest Regressor model with auto-mpg dataset(available in kaggle) and make predictions with test data in Anaconda environment
  • Setup Django in virtual environment and install the required packages/libraries
  • Front-end development for user to give inputs to the model(form-based) and obtain predictions
  • MongoDB connection with Django server
  • Option to user to update the data in database
  • Deploy the model for serving it in Django

Run Migrations

    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate

Create super user

    python manage.py createsuperuser

Run server

    python manage.py runserver

Serving static files

    python manage.py collectstatic


User-defined inputs

Prediction by the model from back-end to UI


View and/or Update the no. of records in Db