A Deep Dive into Object Oriented Programming in Python
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vja81df1-OY&feature=youtu.be
Project description
Object-oriented Programming, or OOP for short, is a programming paradigm which provides a means of structuring programs so that properties and behaviours are bundled into individual objects.
This workshop is divided into two parts.
In the first part, we’ll explore non-widely known Object-oriented Programming concepts in Python, such as:
- Inheritance and Multi-inheritance
- Composition
In the second part, we’ll round up the first part and explore more non-widely known Object-oriented Programming concepts in Python, such as:
- Dataclasses
- Python 3.7 +
- jupyter lab 1.2.3 or Google Colab
- Basic knowledge of OOP in python is required to get the most of this workshop.
- Clone the repository
- If Jupyter, start jupyter(lab) and navigate to the workshop folder.
- If Google Colab:
- A google account is required.
- Connect to this website : https://colab.research.google.com/
- Click on File
- Click Open a notebook
- Under Github tab enter this URL: https://github.com/pyladiesams/OOP-advanced-jan2020
- Press enter this will sync and show all notebooks available
- Choose workshop/notebook-name.ipynb
This workshop was set up by @PyLadiesAMS and @ChidinmaKO.