Project Title
This is a simple Flask application for storing and getting ToDo tasks.
It uses Flask and SQLite.
We're going to write some tests for it.
Getting Started
- Clone this repo
You will need Python(I have 3.7 on my machine, but 3.5+ will work), also pip for installation packages.
- If you don't have virtualenv, you should install it.
pip install virtualenv
- Create a virtual environment
python -m venv name_of_your_virtual_env
- Activate it
source name_of_your_virtual_env/bin/activate
- Add to the environment variable PYTHONPATH to direcrory with cloned repo:
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH:+/Path/to/this/repo/pytest-aug2019}"
- Set the config environment variable:
- Install required libs in your virtual environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running the tests
- Go to application folder:
cd application
- Run tests all the tests:
Break down into end to end tests
- e2e tests should be placed in
- Tests with mocked database should be placed in
Plan for a workshop
- Create a test folder and a file We will need to put some fixtures there.
- Create a fixture for a test client. On a set up it should create a db and start client application, on a teardown it should drop the database.
- We can set scope this feature to a module.
- Now create a test file and a test case for a creation a task with a particular text and date. Parametrise it.
- Create a test case for getting task by id (positive and negative). Try to make it one test case using parametrisation. (Hint) We also can use pytest.raise in parameters.
- Create a test case that we’ll now will fail and mark it as an xfail
- (We can create more of them just to get a grip)
- We kinda finished with e2e test, now we can start with mock part. Create a folder with tests with mocks. It will need a separate
- Create a test client with mocked db part.
- Create a test case for inserting task using this client
- Create a test case for getting list of tasks using this client
- Let’s mark e2e test cases as e2e and run them separately
- In main create a flag for e2e tests.
- Mark e2e tests with decorator for this flag.
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc