Code for Neural Relational Inference with Efficient Message Passing Mechanisms (AAAI 2021).

Primary LanguagePython

Neural Relational Inference with Efficient Message Passing Mechanisms

This repository contains the source code for the paper Neural Relational Inference with Efficient Message Passing Mechanisms accepted by AAAI 2021. arXiv


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • python 3.6
  • pytorch >= 1.2.0
  • numpy >= 1.14.5
  • scipy >= 1.1.0
  • torch-geometric >= 1.3.2
  • CUDA 10.0

Please follow the instructions in the official site to successfully install torch-geometric.

Overview of Models

This repository implements a series of encoders and decoders to allow flexible combinations.

  • Encoders
    • GNNENC: original encoder (MLP & CNN) of NRI.
    • RNNENC: encoder with the relation interaction mechanism implemented by RNNs.
      • option='node': use only the intra-edge relation interaction mechanism.
      • option='edge': use only the inter-edge relation interaction mechanism.
    • AttENC: encoder with the relation interaction mechanism implemented by self-attention.
  • Decoders
    • GNNDEC: original decoder (MLP) of NRI.
    • RNNDEC: decoder with the spatio-temporal message passing mechanism implemented by RNNs.
      • option='node': use only the node-level spatio-temporal operation.
      • option='edge': use only the edge-level spatio-temporal operation.
    • AttDEC: decoder with the spatio-temporal message passing mechanism implemented by RNNs and the temporal attention mechanism.

Implementation tricks for permutation equivariant operations

The most tricky part is the implementation of the permutation equivariant operations in the RNN based relation interaction mechanism. The key is to keep track of the indices. Here is an example.

import numpy as np

# original indices
original = np.arange(10)
# permuted indices
index = np.random.permutation(original)
# index mapping to recover the indices
inv_index = index.copy()
inv_index[index] = original
# recovered indices
recover = index[inv_index]
# check if correctly reovered
print((original == recover).all())

Data generation

Generate a 5-object Springs dataset. The parameter interval means the down-samping factor. Replace spring with charged in the following code to generate a 5-object Charged dataset.

python generate.py --dyn spring --size 5 --interval 100

Generate a 5-object Kuramoto dataset.

python generate.py --dyn kuramoto --size 5 --interval 10

Typically, the size of a 5-object dataset is around 619M, and that of a 10-object dataset is around 1.3G.

Run experiments

Reproduce the results of NRI-MPM in the 5-obejct Springs, Charged and Kuramoto dataset, respectively.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py --dyn spring --reduce mlp --dim 4 --size 5 --enc RNNENC --dec RNNDEC --reg 1e2 --scheme both
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py --dyn charged --reduce cnn --dim 4 --size 5 --enc RNNENC --dec RNNDEC --reg 1e2 --scheme both
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py --dyn kuramoto --reduce cnn --dim 3 --skip --size 5 --enc RNNENC --dec RNNDEC --reg 1 --scheme both

Since reproducing the results in the 10-object datasets requires more memory, you may specify multiple GPUs, e.g.,

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python run.py --dyn spring --reduce mlp --dim 4 --size 10 --enc RNNENC --dec RNNDEC --reg 1e2 --scheme both

Train the encoder in a supervised manner.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py --dyn spring --reduce mlp --dim 4 --size 5 --enc RNNENC --scheme enc

Train the decoder given the ground truth interacting relations.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run.py --dyn spring --reduce mlp --dim 4 --size 5 --dec RNNDEC --scheme dec


If you find this repository useful in your research, please consider citing the following paper:

	title={Neural Relational Inference with Efficient Message Passing Mechanisms},
	author={Chen, Siyuan and Wang, Jiahai and Li, Guoqing},
	booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},