- agustinaarroyuelo
- AlessandroChecco
- Belanchuk
- cfchou
- ColCarrollGoogle
- directcsd@confluentinc
- eyadsibai
- happysiro@hatena
- iron0012
- JackCaster
- jgoernerCäciliengroden
- johnrieth-zz
- jonathanegolNew York, NY
- juancastillaUniversity of Canberra
- JuneJulyAugustProgramming
- junpenglao@google
- LucianoAlzugarayTrelew, Chubut
- macojUniversity of Exeter
- midinas
- miyakitokyo
- mr-ubikdentalXrai
- mscipioMGH Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
- n1opaiqo
- oleg-kachan
- pgollakotaPalo Alto, CA
- pradeepsinnghSan Diego State University
- QiminWuVirginia Tech
- raunakm90
- seanreed1111NYC
- strongwayMunich
- TStescoTenstorrent
- usptact
- valyome
- WillHTamSingapore / SF
- zubinmehta@zing42