
Crowd sourced timestamps for PyMC Youtube videos

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Video Timestamps

Crowd-sourcing timestamps for PyMC Youtube videos

What We Are Doing: Adding Timestamps to Videos

Adding timestamps to PyMC videos.

Why We Are Adding Timestamps

When timestamps are available:

  1. It makes it easy for viewers to get to the part in the video they are interested in.
  2. It also helps potential viewers find the video based on their search terms.

Your helpful contribution is greatly appreciated!!


  1. Watch the video and add descriptive timestamps to the issue you opened
  2. To submit your timestamps, there are two options:
  • Open a new issue with the videos title to "claim" the video such that there's no overlapping work
  • Create a pull request with the timestamps in the misc folder.
  1. Below is a preliminary list. Other videos that may need timestamps are here. The video descriptions can be checked to see if the timestamps are there or not: https://www.youtube.com/c/PyMC-Developers
  2. If you pick a video to work work, please open an issue, so two people are not working on the same video (avoid duplicating work).