
Deploy a git repo using git-hooks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Deploy a git repo using git-hooks, because git push production is just awesome. To get more details about automated tasks using git hooks please follow: how-to-use-git-hooks-to-automate-development-and-deployment-tasks or setting-up-push-to-deploy-with-git or using-git-to-deploy-code.

To get the server setup, please follow the Prerequisites section.


wget https://pymet.github.io/git-deploy/git-deploy.py
python3 git-deploy.py myproject


You can download the script here or here.


The default config.json is the following:

	"*": {
		"allow": true,
		"work-tree": null,
		"pre-message": null,
		"post-message": null,
		"timeout-message": null,
		"timeout": null,
		"exec": null

The "*" rule will match any of the branches except for those that have a custom rule set. The following snippet will allow push for the master branch only.

	"master": {
		"allow": true
	"*": {
		"allow": false
  • The allow parameter will be used in the pre-receive step. If allow is set to false, the branch will be rejected.
  • If work-tree parameter is not null, the content of the branch will be checked out there. The folder will be created if does not exists.

Deploy to /var/www/html

	"master": {
		"work-tree": "/var/www/html"
  • pre-message, post-message and timeout-message will be printed in the git push result.
	"master": {
		"pre-message": "This is the pre-message",
		"post-message": "This is the post-message",
		"timeout-message": "This is the timeout-message",
		"timeout": 1.0,
		"exec": "sleep 3"

Running git push dev

Counting objects: 3, done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 246 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: This is the pre-message
remote: This is the post-message
remote: This is the timeout-message
   b1556f2..9a3b525  master -> master
  • If exec is not null, it will be executed after the repo is checked out.
	"master": {
		"work-tree": "/path/to/your/project",
		"exec": "make -C /path/to/your/project"

Exec can be given as a list

"exec": "make -C /path/to/your/project"

is the same as:

"exec": ["make", "-C", "/path/to/your/project"]

Disallow a branch

	"master": {
		"allow": false,
		"pre-message": "One does not simpli push the master here. (try dev)"
	"dev": {
		"allow": true,
		"work-tree": "/var/www/html"

Running git push dev

Counting objects: 3, done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 247 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: One does not simpli push the master here. (try dev)
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'root@'

Complex task

Place complex-task.sh next to the config.json. Once the master branch is pushed, the complex-task.sh will be called.

+ myproject-hooks/
|      config.json
|      complex-task.sh
	"master": {
		"exec": "sh complex-task.sh"
  • If timeout is not null, the task will be killed after timeout seconds and the timeout-message will be shown.
	"master": {
		"timeout-message": "No one can sleep 5 seconds under 2.5 seconds",
		"timeout": 2.5,
		"exec": "sleep 5"

Broken config file

Counting objects: 2, done.
Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 197 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 2 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Config file is broken: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 5 column 2 (char 106)
remote: Config file is broken: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 5 column 2 (char 106)
   9a3b525..47cd617  master -> master


usage: git-deploy.py [-h] [-o ORIGIN] [-b BRANCH] [-v] [--git-user GIT_USER]
                     [--git-email GIT_EMAIL] [--git-msg GIT_MSG] [--offline]

Generate repository and branch for git-hooks

positional arguments:
  path                         Path for the git repository

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
  -o ORIGIN, --origin ORIGIN   Origin to use for the hint
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH   Branch for the hooks
  -v, --verbose                Set verbosity
  --git-user GIT_USER          Username for the commit
  --git-email GIT_EMAIL        Email for the commit
  --git-msg GIT_MSG            Message for the commit
  --offline                    Skip using online tools for detecting the host IP


$ python3 git-deploy.py myproject
Add or set the remote url:
        git remote add dev git@
        git remote set-url dev git@

Clone the hooks branch:
        git clone -b hooks git@ myproject-hooks


$ python3 git-deploy.py myproject --offline


$ python3 git-deploy.py myproject --verbose --offline
Working in /home/git/myproject

git init --bare --quiet

Working in /tmp/tmp4bpkoxok

git init --quiet
git add config.json
git checkout -b hooks --quiet
git -c user.name=GitBot -c user.email=gitbot@localhost commit -m "Initial config" --quiet
git remote add origin /home/git/myproject
git push origin hooks --quiet

Working in /home/git/myproject/hooks

ln -s receive.py pre-receive
ln -s receive.py post-receive
chmod 755 pre-receive post-receive

Working in /home/git/myproject

git --work-tree=/home/git/myproject/hooks/custom checkout hooks -f --quiet

Customize branch

$ python3 git-deploy.py myproject -b custom-hooks
Clone the custom-hooks branch:
        git clone -b custom-hooks git@ myproject-hooks

Customize the commit

$ python3 git-deploy.py myproject            \
          --git-user "John Doe"              \
          --git-email "john.doe@localhost"   \
          --git-message "Hello World!"


Thank you for the ipify-api