
System Programming include database/command/file_system

Primary LanguageRust

Linux commands rewritten in Rust

project structure

  • src/bin: Linux commands rewritten in Rust
  • src/database: like sqlx project, include database adapters eg. MySQL
  • src/dylibs_binding: Rust binding for eg. libmysqlclient.so, libsqlite3.so
  • src/file_system: some file_system relative bindings e.g. basename()
  • src/file_system/parser: parse to some files e.g. /proc/net/route to get Linux system information from files
  • src/network: network API which libc doesn't include, eg. inet_aton, gethostbyname
  • src/time: time API which libc doesn't include, eg. strftime, strptime
  • examples: C/C++/Rust SIGABRT/SIGSEGV bad examples and how to fix tips
  • docs: documents or notes called by eg. #![doc = include_str!("README.md”)]

cargo test must run in single thread

To run database test you need to copy config file and edit it(eg. your mysql password):

cp database_config.toml.example database_config.toml && vim database_config.toml

this config is only for mysql testing, run commands in src/bin doesn't need this

because multi database adapters test is using a same file to store data

RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 cargo test


cargo test -- --test-threads=1

known bugs on target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf

  • database::adapters::dbm may double-free or malloc corrupted
