Repository of RV server application on Starlingx

StarlingX SDO Demo


This is a demo to show on StarlingX infrastructure, how to run Rendezvous server for performing secure device onboarding.

For more information on SDO, please refer SDO

The demo scenario is tested based on the following versions:

  1. StarlingX: STX 4.0 Version
  2. SDO sdk: [Pre-built/binaries version]( )

Setup StarlingX Env

  1. Follow StarlingX Documents to setup the simplex.

  2. Run Rendezvous server on Starlingx

    Copy the RV service from the gitlab to the home directory of the controller.

  3. Follow below commands to deploy the Rendezvous service on the simplex

    cd ~/demos/sdo-in-stx/SDOonPrem/dockerfile/
    ./DO.sh build #builds the RV service
    ./DO.sh run  #Helm commands are automated to create a new deploy
  4. Following is the sample output for the kubectl get po,svc

    controller-0:~/demos$ kubectl get po,svc
    NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/redis-697fb49877-nbtqk       1/1     Running   0          20h
    pod/rv.deploy-75686f7f99-zhzrv   1/1     Running   0          20h
    NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE
    service/kubernetes     ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP                         3d17h
    service/redis          NodePort   <none>        6379:30008/TCP                  20h
    service/rvdeploy-int   NodePort    <none>        8000:31450/TCP,8001:30007/TCP   20h
  5. Check the status of the rendezvous service on the controller by using below command. For example for the pod listed above, the command is:

    kubectl logs -f pod/rv.deploy-75686f7f99-zhzrv