
A `mask-image` plugin for TailwindCSS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A mask-image plugin for Tailwind CSS.

View on Tailwind Play


Install the package with your preferred package-manager.

pnpm install @pyncz/tailwind-mask-image

After that, simply add the plugin into your tailwind.config.js:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...



There are 3 default values the mask utility can accept:

  • linear
  • radial
  • none


Applies a linear-gradient as the mask image. Opacity is set from 100% at the start to 0% at the end, by default.

<div class="mask-linear" />

mask-linear example

Direction mask-dir

By default, the gradient is directed to bottom. You can easily customize the direction with mask-dir utility, including arbitrary values.

<div class="mask-linear mask-dir-to-t" />
<div class="mask-linear mask-dir-to-tl" />
<div class="mask-linear mask-dir-[10deg]" />

mask-dir example

Opacity Stops

The stops API is similar to tailwind's Gradient Color Stops core utils, so you can customize your linear mask in a familiar way.

But! An important difference is that here you should use not colors but opacity values.

The opacity values are taken from your theme specified in the tailwind.config.js, but you obviously can use arbitrary opacity values as well.

<div class="mask-linear mask-from-50 mask-to-[0.1]" />
<div class="mask-linear mask-from-0 mask-via-20" />
<div class="mask-linear mask-from-0 mask-via-100 mask-to-50" />

mask-linear stops' example

Note You don't have to specify all the stops, because the default values (100% for the start and 0% for the end point) still work.

Stops positions

In addition to setting the opacity of the stops, you can also set the position using mask-point.

<div class="mask-linear mask-point-from-[10%] mask-via-10 mask-point-via-[30%] mask-to-100" />
<div class="mask-linear mask-dir-to-r mask-to-[0.05] mask-point-to-[50%]" />

stops' points example

This utility don't accept any default value, so use arbitrary values.


Applies a radial-gradient as the mask image. Like for the mask-linear util, the gradient is spread from 100% opacity at the center to 0% at the ending shape.

<div class="mask-radial" />

mask-radial example

Shape mask-shape

Shape of the gradient, ellipse (by default) or circle.

<div class="mask-radial mask-shape-ellipse" />
<div class="mask-radial mask-shape-circle" />

mask-shape example

Position mask-at

By default, the gradient's position is center. You can use the same values as for the background-position css prop (top, bottom left etc), as well as arbitrary values with explicit position.

<div class="mask-radial mask-at-[30px_40px]" />

mask-at example

Reach mask-reach

With this util you can specify the size of the gradient.

<div class="mask-radial mask-reach-closest-side" />
<div class="mask-radial mask-reach-closest-corner" />
<div class="mask-radial mask-reach-farthest-side" />
<div class="mask-radial mask-reach-farthest-corner" />

mask-reach example

Besides as-they-are keyword-values, there are also a couple of aliases:

  • mask-reach-contain for closest-side
  • mask-reach-cover for farthest-corner

You can also use arbitrary values:

<div class="mask-reach-[40%_2rem] mask-radial" />
<div class="mask-reach-[40%_150%] mask-radial" />

example for mask-reach with arbitrary values


Note The opacity stops for mask-radial are the same as the ones described for mask-linear, including points API.

<div class="mask-radial mask-from-0 mask-via-[0.25]" />
<div class="mask-radial mask-from-0 mask-via-[0.75] mask-to-100" />
<div class="mask-radial mask-from-0 mask-point-from-[2rem] mask-via-[0.75] mask-point-via-[3rem]" />

mask-radial stops' example


This value matches mask-image css prop's default value so it makes no sense to use it separately, but it may be pretty useful if you apply the mask responsively.

<div class="mask-linear sm:mask-none" />

mask-none example

Arbitrary values


The mask-image css prop accepts not only gradients but images as well. You can use arbitrary values, for example, to apply url() as the mask image.

<div class="mask-[url('/your-pretty-image.png')]" />

arbitrary mask image example


You can pass other types of the gradients, e.g. conic-gradient etc.

<div class="mask-[conic-gradient(from_45deg,_black,_transparent)]" />

arbitrary conic-gradient mask example

Also, you may want not to use the API above even for linear-gradient or radial-gradient so you can pass them arbitrarily too.

<div class="mask-[linear-gradient(12deg,_black,_transparent)]" />


<div class="mask-[url('/your-pretty-image.png')] mask-size-cover" />
<div class="mask-[url('/your-pretty-image.png')] mask-size-contain" />
<div class="mask-[url('/your-pretty-image.png')] mask-size-[4rem]" />

mask size example


<div class="mask-[url('/your-pretty-image.png')] mask-no-repeat  mask-position-left-bottom" />
<div class="mask-[url('/your-pretty-image.png')] mask-no-repeat mask-position-center" />
<div class="mask-[url('/your-pretty-image.png')] mask-no-repeat mask-position-[0.5rem_25%]" />

mask position example


You can manage the mask-repeat css property as well with the following utilities:

  • mask-repeat
  • mask-repeat-x
  • mask-repeat-y
  • mask-repeat-space
  • mask-repeat-round
  • mask-no-repeat
<div class="mask-[url('/your-pretty-image.png')] mask-repeat" />
<div class="mask-[url('/your-pretty-image.png')] mask-no-repeat" />

mask-repeat example