PSYNCH is an app focused on altering the scene of social media, ultimately changing how we connect as a society. Track emotions through posts to your friends and/or the world. Let your friends know exactly how you feel at any time with no shame or worry. Keep tabs on how you feel throughout your life’s journey. Get support when you need it. With PSYNCH, you will finally experience meaningful connections and emotionally enriching conversations through social networking. Share your feelings and get to know those around you on a deeper level.

Getting Started

🖱️ Click Here to have access to our application.

📒 Trello has been used as the planning material.

🔙 Backend link.


Bryce Cazier

Kiana Vernon

Yong Park




Technologies Used

React JavaScript NodeJS MongoDB HTML5 CSS3

Next Steps [Ice Box] 🧊

  • Direct Messaging
  • Dynamic Login/Signup functionality


Favicon from Flaticon - Emotion icons created by Freepik