
SDK for cardmarket.com RESTful API v 2.0

Primary LanguageVisual BasicMIT LicenseMIT

A SDK for Cardmarket RESTful API v 2.0

This library provide to communicate with the new MKM API v2.0.

(The project is a Windows console but is easily convertible into a class library)

For more resources check https://www.mkmapi.eu/ws/documentation/API_2.0:Main_Page


Define yours 4 keys

Const appToken = "your string"
Const appSecret = "your string"
Const accessToken = "your string"
Const accessSecret = "your string"
Const sandBox = false			'Currently not available from MKM

Inizialize class

Dim mkm As New Mkm(appToken, appSecret, accessToken, accessSecret, sandBox)

Call method


  • Games - Returns all games supported by MKM and you can sell and buy products for
Dim lg = mkm.Marketplace_Games
Dim IdGame = lg.game.Single(Function(f) f.abbreviation = "MtG").IdGame
  • Expansions - Returns all expansions with single cards for the specified game.
Dim le = mkm.Marketplace_Expansions(IdGame)
Dim IdExp = le.expansion.Single(Function(f) f.enName = "Onslaught").idExpansion
  • Expansion Singles - Returns all single cards for the specified expansion.
Dim ls = mkm.Marketplace_ExpansionSingles(IdExp)
Dim IdProduct = ls.single.First(Function(f) f.enName = "Wellwisher").idProduct
  • Products - Returns a product specified by its ID
Dim p = mkm.MarketPlace_Product(IdProduct)
  • Product List (File) - Returns a CSV file with all relevant products available at Cardmarket.
  • Find Products - Searches for products by a given search string
Dim lp = mkm.MarketPlace_FindProducts("swamp", False, IdGame, Mkm.Enumerators.IdLanguage.English)
  • Articles - Returns all available articles for a specified product.
Dim la = mkm.MarketPlace_Articles(IdProduct)
  • Price Guides (File) not yet implemented
  • Metaproducts - Returns the Metaproduct entity for the metaproduct specified by its ID. not yet implemented
  • Find Metaproducts - Searches for metaproducts and returns the Metaproduct entity of the metaproducts found. not yet implemented
  • Users - Returns the User entity for the user specified by its ID or exact name. not yet implemented
  • Find Users - Returns User entities for the users found. not yet implemented
  • Article Users not yet implemented


  • GET - Returns the Article entities in the authenticated user's stock.
Dim lsa1 = mkm.Stock_List()
  • POST - Adds new articles to the user's stock.
Dim l1 As New List(Of Mkm.Objects.article)
Dim a1 As New Mkm.Objects.article With {
	.idProduct = p.Product.idProduct,
	.idLanguage = Mkm.Enumerators.IdLanguage.Italian,
	.count = 1,
	.price = 100,
	.condition = Mkm.Enumerators.Condition.NM.ToString()
Dim li1 As Mkm.Objects.inserted = mkm.Stock_Add(l1)
Dim test1 = li1.inserted.First
Dim r2 = test1.IdArticle
  • PUT - Changes articles in the user's stock.
Dim l2 As New List(Of Mkm.Objects.article)
Dim a2 As New Mkm.Objects.article With {
	.idArticle = r2.idArticle,
    	.idLanguage = Mkm.Enumerators.IdLanguage.Italian,
    	.count = 2,
    	.price = 100,
    	.condition = Mkm.Enumerators.Condition.NM.ToString()
Dim li2 As Mkm.Objects.updated = mkm.Stock_Update(l2)
  • DELETE - Removes articles from the user's stock
Dim l3 As New List(Of Mkm.Objects.article)
Dim a3 As New Mkm.Objects.article With {
	.idArticle = r2.idArticle,
    	.count = 1
Dim li3 = mkm.Stock_Delete(l3)
  • Find Stock Articles - Searches for and returns articles specified by the article's name and game.
Dim lsa2 = mkm.Stock_FindArticle("jace", IdGame)
  • Stock (File) - Returns a CSV file with all articles in the authenticated user's stock, further specified by a game and language. not yet implemented

  • Stock in Shopping Carts - Returns the Article entities of the authenticated user's stock that are currently in other user's shopping carts. not yet implemented

  • Stock Article - Returns a single Article entity in the authenticated user's stock specified by its article ID. not yet implemented

  • Change Stock Article Quantity - Changes quantities for articles in authenticated user's stock not yet implemented

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