
[question] How to integrate with

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Using requirements.txt I can do it:

from pip.req import parse_requirements
requirements = [str(r.req) for r in
                parse_requirements('requirements.txt', session=False)]
test_requirements = [str(r.req) for r in
                     parse_requirements('requirements-test.txt', session=False)]

How can I do the same using Pipfile?

You should be able to accomplish this with the code below. This will load the Pipfile from your current project and return the dependencies in a pip compatible list.

from pipenv.project import Project
from pipenv.utils import convert_deps_to_pip

pfile = Project(chdir=False).parsed_pipfile
requirements = convert_deps_to_pip(pfile['packages'], r=False)
test_requirements = convert_deps_to_pip(pfile['dev-packages'], r=False)

Let us know if you have any further questions :)

The above is very helpful. I have run into issues with depending on Pipenv being installed in a virtualenv before install (or anything else) can be run. The only solutions to this problem I can think of are either vendorizing Pipenv into a project, which seems less than ideal, or even somehow hacking the to install Pipenv before attempting to run the from pipenv... imports, which seems wrong. Anyone have any ideas or better solutions than this?

Should we harass suggest to others in the Python community (PyPA, etc.) to just bless Pipenv as an officially-included tool in future Python releases? πŸ˜„

Would it help to add pipenv to setup_requires? It looks like it might also be necessary to add it to install_requires which seems unfortunate.

Do not do this.

@kennethreitz what do you mean by "this"? Do you mean the integration with, the @nateprewitt solution or the last two suggestions?

iddan commented

So how do users should know they need pipenv installed?

iddan commented

so how can I use @nateprewitt -'s code in

@iddan: I have attempted to solve the Pipenv bootstrapping problem by just vendorizing a version of Pipenv into my project skeleton ( So far I haven't had any issues, although I can't say I've had a lot of opportunities to test it out in a situation where I install a package using

I can understand why we'd be worried about not running a CLI when loading, but from what I can tell, the code I'm using (copy-pasted from @nateprewitt's post here) is fairly safe.

I figure this hack will no longer be necessary when pip has sufficient internals to understand the Pipfile format.

@iddan, to be clear, that code is solely to convert a Pipfiles dependencies into a requirements.txt style format that pip will read. It looks like Kenneth redacted something from the original post but I'm not sure what.

Pipenv is intended as an environment management and deployment tool, not for distribution like We highly suggest documenting that you're using a Pipfile and possibly linking to for installation instructions. Treat this the same way you treat pip, it's not expected for a user to install pip every time they install a new Python package.

iddan commented

I understand that perfectly. What I don't understand is what do you expect that would happen when a user downloads a package using this script and doesn't have pipenv installed

@nateprewitt, if we want to distribute a package then (through the usual means, using pip), should we maintain a copy of the dependency list in or a requirements.txt? I was hoping to use my Pipfile as a single source of truth.

To clarify, I assume the code in the first reply is meant to be run as part of a build, rather than actually being used in a

Unless I'm badly mistaken, the code in is safe to be used if you're building a wheel (=binary dist), but not if you're building sdist (=source dist).

For wheels, does not get included in the package (but is rather evaluated on build-time, and metadata files are constructed based on information it gathers). With wheels, is never executed in the machine where the package is being installed, only where it was built.

With sdist, is actually run on installation machine and so pipenv needs to be available there.

Oh, yes. @tuukkamustonen, my particular use case is an sdist. Since I don't want to require the package user to install pipenv prior to doing a pip install, I assume I am stuck with deriving my install_requires outside of (I.e. manually or as part of a build)?

If I'm reading correctly, I believe Kenneth and the other maintainers don't want us to treat Pipenv as a project dependency as we might for pytest, or even a normal package dependency. Ideally, it sounds like we should install and update Pipenv in the same way as pip itself, i.e. pip is installed when Python is installed or when a virtualenv is created. That is what Kenneth meant when he said, "Do not do this."

That said, @isobit echoed my thoughts that Pipfile should be the single source of truth. I can see two compelling use cases for favoring Pipfile (and there are others): first, a CI/CD pipeline that depends on Pipfile to set up the build environment is much more robust than one depending on requirements.txt; and second, a contributor may blindly try to install a Pipfile-based project may be frustrated if python install doesn't work the way she expects. Considering that neither Pipenv or Pipfile-aware pip are standard Python tools yet, and Pipenv is indeed the reference implementation for Pipfile, we have few options to solve the problem:

  1. Specify in your project documentation that your project depends on Pipenv. You can still depend on Pipenv in your, and this will break if Pipenv is not installed in your Python environment. Concretely, a contributor to your code would have to manually install Pipenv to her virtualenv in order to install the project with
  2. Still have depend on requirements.txt, which you generate periodically based on your Pipfile. This remains fully compatible with pip and setuptools, but requires any maintainer to generate the requirements.txt whenever the project is built and deployed. A possible variation of this would be for a CI/CD pipeline to update the requirements.txt at build time.
  3. Vendorize a version of Pipenv into a project and call it using from _vendor.pipenv.project import Project... inside One variation of this could be to only import from the vendorized version when the global import fails.
  4. Some other option that's not presented here and that I'm not smart enough to think of.

I'm personally using (3) (see until Pipfile becomes more of a common standard, at which point I will not have any of my projects depend on Pipenv code directly, since Pipenv seems clearly meant to be a tool for managing a virtualenv based on a Pipfile, and not necessarily a Pipfile library itself.

I hope this clarifies the issue based on what I've read here, but if I misspoke or said something egregious, please let me know @nateprewitt.

I have the feeling that the issue here arise from an original misuse (IMO) of the requirements.txt to begin with. That's appart from the usage of pipenv.

I'm going to point to this wonderful article from Donald Stufft, v.s requirements.txt:

TL;DR (but you really should read though): The's install_requires is meant to detail the requirements (dependencies) of a package. The requirements.txt (that would be replaced by the Pipfile/Pipfile.lock combo here) should be used to list which exact packages will be used to satisfy what is required, based on the metadata from the, in order to make a reproducible environment.
Populating the install_requires from the requirements.txt is like going backward.'s install_requires =/= requirements.txt (or Pipfile/Pipfile.lock).
Pipfile (or rather Pipfile.lock) should be the single source of truth of the packages to install in the app's environment.'s install_requires provides metadata used to generate a valid Pipfile.lock.

I think that's where the friction is coming from. I hope that make sense.

I like that reply a lot, Vincent, and I absolutely agree on Pipfile.lock being a complete (and better) replacement for requirements.txt.

Having used Pipenv for a few months now, though, my usage of Pipfile leads me think that install_requires really is almost identical to what goes in the Pipfile. If I need numpy, I pipenv install numpy and a new entry goes into in my Pipfile's [packages] group: numpy = "*". In other words, my usage is totally different from requirements.txt, which I used to just generate before committing using pip freeze > requirements.txt.

Perhaps this is just a peculiar way that I am using Pipenv, and I'm going against the grain (I also install my virtualenv in .venv/ inside the project directory, so I'm a rogue Pythonista), in which case I can easily comply with the Python community's convention of having a wall of separation between and Pipfile|Pipfile.lock|requirements.txt.

What am I missing here, @vphilippon? Why is Pipfile's [packages] too constrained to use in install_requires or tests_require?

Thanks for the info, @vphilippon. Perhaps we are going about this backwards, it sounds like what we really want is the reverse- a way use abstract deps from install_requires in our Pipfile, like Donald mentions with regard to -e . in the requirements.txt. It looks like there was already an issue about that (#339), but it didn't seem to go anywhere.

Is this already covered by the Pipfile syntax? I just noticed the requests library Pipfile uses "e1839a8" = {path = ".", editable = true, extras=["socks"]} in its packages section. Something similar is apparent in the Pipfile examples, but I don't see any other documentation.

First, disclaimer: My expertise is mainly with lib packages. I might miss some points. I hold the right to be wrong, and I'm ready to use it!
Also, this got me to scratch my head a few time. I'd really like some review on this.

Now, let's get to this.

I'll start with this statement @elgertam:

[...] my usage of Pipfile leads me think that install_requires really is almost identical to what goes in the Pipfile. If I need numpy, I pipenv install numpy and a new entry goes into in my Pipfile's [packages] group [...]

You added numpy to your environment, you did not add numpy to the dependencies of your app.
Those are two different things. Keep reading, you'll see what I mean.

In other words, my usage is totally different from requirements.txt, which I used to just generate before committing using pip freeze > requirements.txt.

Surprisingly, your usage is not so different if you think about it:

  • Your previous worflow: pip install stuff -> pip freeze > requirements.txt -> feed install_requires from requirements.txt
  • Your new (attempted) workflow: pipenv install stuff -> Pipfile automatically updated -> trying to feed install_requires with the Pipfile.
  • What's the intended idea: Add stuff to install_requires -> pipenv install -> Environment and Pipfile.lock are updated.

And for that intended way to work, you want a Pipfile that states that you want to install your app.
Something like the requests Pipfile linked by @isobit.

Or, an example:

url = ""
verify_ssl = true

pytest = ">=2.8.0"
tox = "*"

"-e ." = "*"

Your Pipfile is to describe your environment, not the dependencies of a package. As you see, the Pipfile above defines what I want to install, which is the local package in editable mode.

This may look a bit "useless", as right now its all drived by a single package, but let say you want to install your app, but with requests[security], but it's not a strict dependency from your app, you do pipenv install requests[security], and then:

url = ""
verify_ssl = true

pytest = ">=2.8.0"
tox = "*"

"-e ." = "*"
requests = { extras = ['security'] }

And voilΓ , here's an example of the difference between your abstract requirements, and your concrete requirements. Same goes if you wanted to install gunicorn or anything else needed in the environment, but that's not part of the app itself.

What am I missing here, @vphilippon? Why is Pipfile's [packages] too constrained to use in install_requires or tests_require?

If I've explained this well enough, you can see that its just supposed to be the other way around.
You put your dependencies in install_requires, you put you package in the Pipfile, and then you get and environment, with a Pipfile.lock for reproducibility (as it will resolve and respect your package dependencies).

For test_require, I'll admit I'm not sure that fits in all of this. IIRC, its a setuptools specific feature. We could argue that it's a set of abstract dependencies for testing, and expect pipenv to resolve and install those then doing pipenv install --dev, for all packages, but I have a feeling that's not quite right. I dont have a clear idea or opinion on this and the rationale around it, sorry.

I hope this all make sense somehow.

@vphilippon You explained it quite well, and I think you've convinced me.

TL;DR: Specify the abstract, absolutely necessary dependencies in, then add context (and thus concreteness) in Pipfile and Pipfile.lock, including the fantastic "-e ." = "*" entry.

A problem with is that when we want to deploy our app to a server, we're not getting a reproducible environment.

I mean normally, when developing a library that will be used in other projects, we want our install_requires to be pretty loose (=no binding to exact versions). Yes. But when we're building a web app (or any app) and deploying it on a remote server or docker container, then we probably want fixed dependencies. Even if we specify exact versions in install_requires, transitive dependencies are not locked and installation may actually download a different (newer) version of a transitive dependency and that may break your deployment.

(Manually declaring exact versions of transitive dependencies is not an on option - way too cumbersome.)

In this use case, we ought to depend on a requirements.txt style lockfile (that specifies exact versions even for transitive dependencies). However, it doesn't seem as if pipenv allows to exclude development requirements in pipenv lock -r (e.g. pipenv lock --no-dev -r), so that we could actually craft such requirements.txt (that can then be read into install_requires)?

I'll quote Donald Stufft's article:

An application typically has a set of dependencies, often times even a very complex set of dependencies, that it has been tested against. Being a specific instance that has been deployed, it typically does not have a name, nor any of the other packaging related metadata. This is reflected in the abilities of a pip requirements file.

In other word: the app is not the package. The app is the environment, with a set of concrete dependencies installed. An app dependencies should be represented by a requirements.txt (or Pipfile/Pipfile.lock), not a single package install_requires.

Personally, I would go as far as to say that the full set of pinned dependencies (including the transitive one) should be in a requirements.txt for the app, not in the package's This outlines the idea that deploying an app is not done with pip install myapp==1.0.0, but rather pip install -r requirements.txt (or pipenv install with a Pipfile.lock), where the requirements.txt includesmyapp==1.0.0 as well as all of the other dependencies and transitive dependencies, pinned.
It might looks like I'm going a bit far, but I've worked in a context where the "app" deployed is driven by a set of packages. There's not a single package that represent the app itself, so this notion that "the package is not the app" was thrown in my face pretty early on πŸ˜„ .

I have a strong feeling that Pipenv/Pipfile/Pipfile.lock follows this idea.
That would be why there seems to be a gap for going from Pipfile.lock to's install_requires: its really not meant to be done that way, in any case.

@maintainers I'd like your input here to know if this indeed how you see all of this. I've been preaching a vision of how we should be treating dependencies, but I don't want to be talking in your stead either.

@vphilippon I think there are different viewpoints and terminology. But ultimately, we want a list of pinned dependencies to install. So a requirements.txt with pinned versions (or a package with such declared dependencies, doesn't really matter). The question is, how to actually craft such a file?

With pip-compile (of pip-tools), I can compile such requirements.txt from and it will contain only the non-dev dependencies that my app needs. I'm not sure if I'm interpreting your response correctly - do you really mean that we should maintain a pinned dependencies requirements.txt by hand (also slightly duplicating what's already in, also for transitive dependencies? That can't be the solution...

If there was pipenv lock --no-dev -r, I think that would solve this problem.

@tuukkamustonen Sorry for the confusion, I was really only addressing the idea of the install_requires v.s. requirements.txt/Pipfile/Pipfile.lock.

So a requirements.txt with pinned versions (or a package with such declared dependencies, doesn't really matter).

I think the distinction is really important, but as you said, there's different viewpoints here. Let's agree to disagree for now. As a side note, it would be nice to have somewhere to keep going on the subject without adding noise to a specific issue. That's the kind of stuff that needs more discussion and sharing in the community, IMO.

However, it doesn't seem as if pipenv allows to exclude development requirements in pipenv lock -r

But ultimately, we want a list of pinned dependencies to install. [...] The question is, how to actually craft such a file? [...] With pip-compile (of pip-tools), I can compile such requirements.txt from and it will contain only the non-dev dependencies that my app needs.

Ah, I skipped that part at first, sorry. And it seems you're right: I'm not able to find a way to say pipenv install --not-dev-stuff (I was pretty sure there was one though, weird), and generate a non-dev environment. What's the point of having a 2 separate section then? I might be missing something now then, and that's unrelated to the usage with Maybe its worth discussing in a new issue.

I made a mistake here. I indeed did not find a way to generate a Pipfile.lock without dev packages, but, in a new environment, with existing Pipfile/Pipfile.lock, doing pipenv install does not install the dev packages. This does not solve the point of @tuukkamustonen, but I was wrong when stating there was no way to install a "prod environment", my mistake.

Phew, that was a lot to catch up on.

Unless I'm badly mistaken, the code in #209 (comment) is safe to be used if you're building a wheel (=binary dist), but not if you're building sdist (=source dist).

@tuukkamustonen this is intended only to be used in a standalone script for deployments, do not include it in your This is a semi-hacky workaround from before we had pipenv lock -r, many months ago. This approach will work for your use case of splitting packages and dev-packages though.

I'm personally using (3) (see #209 (comment)) until Pipfile becomes more of a common standard, at which point I will not have any of my projects depend on Pipenv code directly, since Pipenv seems clearly meant to be a tool for managing a virtualenv based on a Pipfile, and not necessarily a Pipfile library itself.

@elgertam it seems your opinions may have been swayed since this comment, but I would note that it's probably not a good idea to bundle pipenv with your project. There's nothing explicity prohibiting that, but we do a lot of path patching which is prone to causing issues when used like this. I guess I'll just wrap this with a "use at your own risk" warning.

maintainers I'd like your input here to know if this indeed how you see all of this. I've been preaching a vision of how we should be treating dependencies, but I don't want to be talking in your stead either.

I think you're pretty well in line with what our vision has been for the length of the project. Thanks for compiling all of this an articulating it so well @vphilippon!

It looks like the other relevant parts of this discussion have been moved into #942, so I think we're good here. Please ping me if I didn't address anything.

taion commented

I followed up with a concrete proposal in pypa/pipfile#98 that I believe gives us something actionable and pragmatic that could improve DX for maintaining Python libraries.


import json, jmespath

install_requires = []
with open('Pipfile.lock') as f:
    context = json.loads(
        lambda n, v : n + v,'default | keys(@)', context),'default.*.version', context),

epot commented

@cornfeedhobo my understanding is that setup_requires does not play well with pip. Could you elaborate a bit on how you would suggest to use this sample?

The sample will not work unless you install jmespath first because is evaluated as normal Python code. The setup_requires argument does not actually achieve anything: if the program gets that far, jmespath is guaranteed to be installed.

I mentioned this in another issue, but can’t locate it atm (there are so many duplicated discussions all over the issue tracker it’s impossible to find anything anymore), so I’ll say it again: Please do not put anything not built-in inside unless you provide proper fallback, or have a perfect reason. A package containing the above will not even work with Pipenv with jmespath installed in the virtualenv; Pipenv invokes egg_info in a clean environment, and will fail to execute the jmespath import. This is bad practice. Please avoid it.

@epot I was not aware of that

@uranusjr Thanks for the well thought out answer with details. I am just exploring this whole issue, so I might return for more embarrassment. I'm also tracking pypa/pipfile#98

What if we don't require jmespath?

import json

install_requires = []
tests_require = []

with open('Pipfile.lock') as fd:
    lock_data = json.load(fd)
    install_requires = [
        package_name + package_data['version']
        for package_name, package_data in lock_data['default'].items()
    tests_require = [
        package_name + package_data['version']
        for package_name, package_data in lock_data['develop'].items()

@mschwager You don’t want to pin the version, or users will have a difficult time. #1921 is an example of a library using == ends up breaking a user’s build.

My apologies but whats the difference between using in order to use it as a package or requirements.txt/Pipfile to manage dependencies of said package? The required libs HAVE to be identical between and requirements.txt/Pipfile right? Therefore there is no reason not to integrate Pipfile. already parses requirements.txt. Why should it not the be able to parse Pipfile?

Would be great to get rid of requirements.txt and just use Pipfile

No, there is no reason they have to be identical. That is quite a radical assumption, and many in the community would beg the differ.

There are indeed, however, reasons that they can be identical. Pipenv does not exclude that. It is just out of the scope, and not supported by this project. You can totally build a library to support that, and leverage PEP 518, which is implrmrneted in pip 10.0, to provide build-time support.

As you said, there is no reason not to allow to parse Pipfile. I look forward to you making that happen :)

Understand that some people like the abstract libs of yet that is not a must have? I mean golang suffers from only having concrete requirements but still being able to substitute a required lib with your own fork just because it matches the name? Understandable that intergation is just not in scope.

However, would be interesting to see what the long term roadmap of pipenv is. Would be great to see it become the go to tool in python. e.g. somehow replaces or generates an appropriate for the user, either way pipenv being de facto package manger is awesome. Just wondering if there is a possibility to extend the scope to include

If pipenv is like npm etc., then their package.json allows remote installation, no reason pipenv cant interact or replace, making it in scope. Am I making sense or does it sound like I am taking crazy pills?

Thank you for thinking it be a must-have. With you considering it be so crucial, I believe we will be able to run a Pipfile-based build system in no time.