- /www/pyparallel/website

Local Website Setup

Pull a copy of the website from github pyparallel/website.git

# Clone to local machine 
$ git clone

We use the Hyde engine which uses django template structure for creating pages.

$ conda install hyde

Update your local repo

$ git pull

Start the Hyde Server to view your changes locally.

From the root of the website repo execute from the command line:

$ hyde gen
$ hyde serve

You can view the changes locally by opening your browser and going to http://localhost:8080 The files are stored in the deploy directory.

After making changes you will need to update the generated content using: hyde gen --regen or ?refresh in your browser on the page you are viewing.

There are some examples of advanced scripting in hyde:

Aee what your document looks like as you are writting it:

Once you have reviewed your changes locally, add and commit via standard git commands.

Updating PyParallel Live Site

The PyParallel site is currently hosted on the box. You will need ssh access to this machine to push changes live.

After ssh-ing into the pydata box:

cd /www/pyparallel/website
git pull
hyde gen

This will pull your changes into the production environment and regenerate the site. There is presently no staging environment, so make sure you've reviewed your work locally!