
A repo to deploy argocd to a k8s cluster

Primary LanguageShell




  1. kubernetes cluster - I like kind
  2. kubectl installed
  3. helm v3 installed

Assuming your k8s cluster is up and running the first thing to do is to install ArgoCD which we'll do with helm

./charts/argo-cd/scripts/00-initital-deploy.sh will install argo-cd to the argocd namespace, which helm will create

Then I use k9s to port-forward the argocd webserver to reach it at http://localhost:8080

After that we'll install the root-app to implement the app-of-apps model. Depending on the state of this repo, more apps may be provisioned at the same time. Right now I ahve argo-cd.yaml to bring argocd under its own management, and openfaas.yaml to also deploy openfaas operator to my cluster. Do this with ./charts/root-app.scripts/00-setup.sh which uses helm to template out the k8s manifest for your root-app, and then pipes that to kubectl apply. Fromthere, as things are added to the templates directory, argocd will just apply them in its own way - probably most generally it'll be helm charts that it does exactly helm template ... | kubectl apply -f -


Cannot manage openfaas functions via helm without Function CRD that only comes with Openfaas pro/standard, which costs money. Not sure how people are doing this at home if they are


  1. deployed server
  2. made worker pool in server ui and shell'd into server to start the pool prefect worker start --pool "foo-k8s-workpool"

I need open an issue - I can't get the worker deployed appropriately



  1. Once I figure that out I want to deploy openfaas as an argocd application, not sure if I should with a template via root-app app-of-apps model, or using terraform... I want to use tf so that I can start messing with terrakube
  2. I'm not sure where terraform fits into this without unnecessary abstraction and complexity for my homelab... will try to manage a few things with it to paly with terrakube
  3. I need to better document all this so that I can start migrating my homelab over to a real k8s cluster.
  4. NAMESPACE CREATION - right now I'm just kubectl create namespace ... but there HAS to be a way to do taht with this app of apps pattern... helm hooks maybe? I don't want to do terraform for just that... feels needless

Ok so I just helm repo add argo https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm and helm install argocd argo/argo-cd on koober