
Example comparison of pypyr vs pyinvoke to automate a python project's CI/CD.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project takes existing pypyr CI/CD stuff and shows alternative implementation of the same using invoke.

The CI/CD tasks are inspired from those, used in pypyr package itself.

The repo includes minimal example of python package named arbpackage.

Python package arbpackage

The arbpackage is very simple python package, which does nothing special apart from allowing us to build it and exercise on it various CI/CD tasks.

The package is using following design decisions (rewriting CI/CD to other ones shall be easy):

  • using setup.py and setuptools
  • version management: version is hard coded into arbpackage/version.py module as value of __version__ variable. Value is changed using bumpversion tool.
  • tests are based on pytest and are all located in dedicated test suite directory tests.
  • coding standards: code shall pass flake8 linter checks.
  • linted package metadata: the package itself shell pass simple metadata check using

Pipeline build

When you call pypyr ops/build or pypyr ops/build package or pypyr ops/build package publish, following commands are called:

Lint python package metadata:

$ python setup.py -m -s

Lint the code:

$ flake8

When running tests locally:

$ pytest --cov=arbpackage --cov-report term-missing tests

When running the tests on GitHub:

$ pytest --cov=arbpackage --cov-report term-missing --cov-report .test-results/codecoverage/coverage.xml --junitxml=.test-results/testresults/junitresults.xml tests
$ codecov

Optionally, build the package itself:

$ python setup.py bdist_wheel sdist
$ twine check dist/*

Optionally, publish the package to pypi or to a private pypi. Assuming version 0.1.1:

# upload the package
$ twine upload dist/arbpackage-0.1.1*
# uninstall currently installed package
$ pip uninstall -y arbpackage
# wait a moment
$ sleep 10
# try to install the new version
$ pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir arbpackage==0.1.1
# assert the newly published package version is the one expected (using some python tricks)
# install the package in editable mode for development again
$ pip install -e .

Pipeline bump

When you call pypyr ops/bump major, pypyr ops/bump minor or pypyr ops/bump patch, following commands are called (assuming patch variant):

Call the build pipeline incl. the package step to ensure all is linted, tested and the package exists.


$ bumpversion --no-tag  --commit patch
$ git push
# finally print the new version somehow

Pipeline tag

When you call pypyr ops/tag, following commands and actions take place:

Print current version (using some python tricks).

# (if running locally, make sure local branch has latest tags from origin $ git pull --tags

Then continue:

# check, if the tag already exists
$ git tag -l "v0.1.1"
# stop, if the tag alrady exists
# create the tag
$ git tag "v0.1.1"
# if on GitHub, configure git to use proper identities
$ git config user.name github-actions
$ git config user.email github-actions@github.com
# push new tag to origin
$ git push --tags

Using invoke

See ops_invoke/README.rst for description, how to do these things when implemented by invoke_

The document also compares pypyr and invoke implementation.