
Please note that the Jasmin implementations in branch main target- and were tested using an older version of the branch glob_array3 of Jasmin. The implementations in branch post-release aim for compatibility with a more recent version.

Pyramid Proposal

This repository contains four implementations conform the Pyramid proposal. The Pyramid proposal is part of the thesis titled "Proposal for a Pyramid scheme". NFS-Naive and FS-StackRestore are stepping-stone implementations; these do not use a tree-traversal algorithm and are therefore not efficient. However, these give a general impression of the functionality, and can be used to compare against the more involved implementations.

NFS-Simple and FS-Simple use the implementation for the Simple algorithm, which was originally defined in the context of XMSS. FS-Simple additionally slightly modifies the Simple algorithm to achieve a forward-secure implementation.

Finally, two Jasmin counterparts to the C implementations NFS-Naive and FS-Simple are included. Their performance is not optimal, but these may provide a basis for further verification efforts for Pyramid.

The implementations contain individual READMEs that include build information.


  • Pyramid implementations in C:
    • NFS-Naive
    • FS-StackRestore
    • NFS-Simple
    • FS-Simple
    • common
  • Pyramid implementations in Jasmin:
    • Simple (FS-Simple)
    • Naive (NFS-Naive)
  • Extra shaX in Jasmin (not thesis-related):
    • shaX_jasmin