
Typescript tooling for Neovim

Primary LanguagePython


Nvim language service plugin for typescript

This is alpha-ish 😄


First make sure you have python3 bindings installed for neovim If :echo has("python3") returns 1, then you're done. If not, run

sudo pip3 install neovim

zchee has provided an in depth guide to setting up neovim with python bindings

You also need to have typescript installed globally.

npm -g install typescript

In the future, I'd like to add a variable to allow use of local npm installs instead of global installs.

Then add the following plugins. This example uses Dein.vim, but any plugin manager will work.

 " Dein
  call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim')
  call dein#add('mhartington/nvim-typescript')

 " Plug
  Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
  Plug 'mhartington/nvim-typescript'

" Enable deoplete at startup

  let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1


Currently, this plugin requires a tsconfig.json to be present in the current working directory. This is how we can feed TSS proper project information, like modules and files. See this issue for clarification.

If no completion is happening, please be sure to have a Typescript syntax file in your RTP. Neovim does not include a default syntax for Typescript, so be sure to include one. A popular syntax file for Typescript is yats.vim

Open Open Source, or how to make this everyone's code

If you happened to build something and would love to make a PR, I would be more than happy to add contributors. If something you do add happens to get merged (most likely it will 😁 ) you'll get a collaborator request. This has worked out very well in the Node community and I want it to happen here. This is as much my code as it is your code.



There are a few things you'll have to modify in your vim config in order to be able to effectively work on this plugin:

  call dein#local('~/GitHub', {},['nvim-typescript'])

  let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
  let g:deoplete#enable_debug = 1
  let g:deoplete#enable_profile = 1
  call deoplete#enable_logging('DEBUG', '/PATH_TO/deoplete.log')

You will now be able to tail -f /PATH_TO/deoplete.log, and see debug output appear.


  • Refactor TSDoc, print docs to split.
  • Add TSRename
  • Refactor client to support geterr request
  • Add TSGetErr
  • Use local install of tsserver and not global