There is no such thing as functional programming in Java, but sometimes we emulate it using anonymous classes.
FunkyJFunctional (aka FJF) provides a new way to do functional programming in Java, using some Java syntactic sugar: method local class declarations and init blocks.
FJF integrates with many different frameworks. If not already available, feel free to implement a new funky module for the framework you love!
A few examples with different frameworks:
- Classic Java, with a funky Runnable
public void sayHelloInExecutor(ExecutorService executor) {
class Hello {{ System.out.println("Hello Funky World"); }}
public Iterable<User> filterMinors(Iterable<User> users) {
class Minor extends Pred<User> {{ out = in.getAge() < 18; }}
return filter(users, withPred(Minor.class));
- Functional Java, with a funky F
public static List<Integer> factors(final int number) {
class Factor extends FF<Integer, Boolean> {{ out = number % in == 0; }}
return range(1, number + 1).filter(withF(Factor.class, number));
- FEST-Assert, with a funky Condition
public void getMajorUsers_returns_no_minor_User() {
List<User> majorUsers = userService.getMajorUsers();
class Minor extends Cond<User> {{ out = in.getAge() < 18; }}
- Wicket, with a funky AbstractReadOnlyModel
class FortyTwo extends AROM<String> {{ out = "42"; }}
AbstractReadOnlyModel<String> readOnlyModel = withAROM(FortyTwo.class);
- Swing, with a funky ActionListener
class BtonClick extends ActL {{ doSomething(e); }}
Sounds funky? We think it is ;-).
- It's pure Java, no magic involved. See How it works for details.
- All modules have 100% code coverage.
- To use FJF, Download the Maven artifacts.
- See the Detailed example to get into details.
- The latest release is the 1.0 version, see the release notes for more information.
- Licensed under the Apache License, v2.0.
Looking for the documentation? Have a look at the Funky javadoc!
Any question? Please ask them on the dedicated Google Group.
FJF has continuous integration thanks to CloudBees DEV@Cloud free plan for FOSS projects.