
Simple template engine for Objective-C

Primary LanguageObjective-C

 _____   __           ____     __            ___      
/\  __`\/\ \       __/\  _`\  /\ \__        /\_ \     
\ \ \/\ \ \ \____ /\_\ \ \/\_\\ \ ,_\  _____\//\ \    
 \ \ \ \ \ \ '__`\\/\ \ \ \/_/_\ \ \/ /\ '__`\\ \ \   
  \ \ \_\ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \_\ \ \L\ \\_\ \_ 
   \ \_____\ \_,__/_\ \ \ \____/ \ \__\\ \ ,__//\____\
    \/_____/\/___//\ \_\ \/___/   \/__/ \ \ \/ \/____/
                  \ \____/               \ \_\        
                   \/___/                 \/_/        

This project attempts to recreate the functionality given by
Jtpl (http://jtpl.sourceforge.net/).

How to use:
You only need the following files in your project to use ObjCtpl:
* ObjCtplParser (.h and .m)
* ObjCtplBlock (.h and .m)

Make sure the following is in the file you are going to be parsing with:
#include ObjCtpl.h

Then setup your instance of the class:
ObjCtplParser *p = [[ObjCtplParser alloc] initWithHTML:HTML_STRING];

Next set your variables:
[p setVar:@"WEBSITE" withValue:@"www.google.com"];
[p setVar:@"NAME" withValue:@"test name"];
[p setVar:@"EMAIL" withValue:@"joe@test.com"]

And then parse the blocks:
[p parse:@"main.email"];
[p parse:@"main.phone"];
[p parse:@"main.website"];
[p parse:@"main"];

To retrieve the completed output, call:
[p output]

IMPORTANT:  The beginning and end block syntax included in the HTML
template IS dependant on whitespace.
<!-- BEGIN: block_name -->
<!-- END: block_name -->

Searching via regular expressions is only available in iOS 3.2 or higher,
so to allow more compatability I am not using that function as of now.