
Particle System expirementation Sandbox: OpenCL/OpenGL on PC and Android OpenGL in C with JNI

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

    ### EnjaParticles in C++ using OpenCL and OpenGL interoperability

    RTPS: Real-Time Particle Systems
    A framework library for developing particle systems.
    We currently working on support for 
        Simple particle systems
        SPH Fluid simulation
        Boid simulation

    see INSTALL file

    assimp 2.0
    Qt 4.8
    Boost 1.4

    Obtaining dependencies.
    assimp library:
        For Ubuntu 12.04:
            sudo apt-get install libassimp-dev
        Other linux distributions:
            see website for installation instructions - http://assimp.sourceforge.net/
    Qt 4.8:
        For Ubuntu 12.04:
            sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools
        Other linux distributions:
            see website for installation instructions - http://qt.nokia.com/downloads
        Most linux distributions:
            sudo apt-get install libboost-dev


    You can execute the test program like:

    The test program has simple mouse interaction:
        Left-Click and drag to rotate the view
    and keyboard:
        g - add particles
        h - add hose of particles
        j - add hose of particles for pipe scene
        p - print timings of various functions
        w, a, s, d - move around like FPS controls

    hit Q or ESC to exit (right now clicking the x on the window will not properly clean up GPU memory...)

    cmake modules to help find necessary libraries