PyRoll Benchmark Environment

This repository contains a virtual environment specification using PipEnv. The Pipfile contains the necessary PyRoll packages as well as dependencies for analysis of the results. Run pipenv install to set up the virtual environment.

The aim of this repository is to provide an environment for testing the influence of different model approaches loadable as plugins in PyRoll. One may edit the file to specify a two-dimensional matrix of plugins to use. The scripts provided in this repository will execute a PyRoll run with each possible combination of those plugins and generate CSV tables as well as plots for comparison of the results with each other and 2 different experimental data sets and simulation results obtained from the commercial WICON software by MorgĂĄrdshammar AB. The scripts are set up using the PyTask task automation library. Just run the command pipenv run pytask in the root directory of this repository to trigger all steps of data generation and analysis.

The Task Configuration File

The file contains several common definitions used in the tasks.

The PLUGINS dict specifies the set of plugins, grouped by the type of model they provide. In the provided configuration currently 3 types of models are specified:

  1. Models for roll force and torque
  2. Models for spreading
  3. Models for calculation of the equivalent rectangle (equivalent flat roll pass)

The value of each dict entry must be a list of plugin modules that shall be imported (all stripped of the prefix pyroll.). An empty string means that no additional plugin of this type shall be loaded, thus the base configuration is used (which is later displayed with the keyword "base").

The PyRoll Input File

The input file defines an industrial roll pass sequence starting with two box passes and continuing with alternating oval and round passes. See the documentation for further information.

The PyRoll Configuration File config.yaml

The file specifies plugins used by all variants as well as logging config. See the documentation for further information.

Static Data

The directories measure and wicon contain static data sets of roll torque and temperature along the pass sequence obtained from measurements in industrial environment resp. from WICON simulation results. The roll torques were measured by the electric current in the roll driving motors. The temperatures were determined with a pyrometer right after the roll gap, and can therefore be considered as surface temperatures.

Generated Data

The PyRoll runs will generate export and report files in the pyroll directory with subdirectories named according to the used plugins.

These files are read by the analysis scripts and condensed. The files temperate.csv and torque.csv will be generated containing a comparison of data obtained from measurements, WICON and the PyRoll runs.

Generated Plots

The analysis scripts will generate plots of roll torque and profile temperature according to the different model approaches from PyRoll as well as the experimental sets and WICON named torque.* and temperature.*. The * denotes different file formats.

Roll Torque Profile Temperature

The analysis scripts will also create plots which highlight the differences which are effected by varying the respective model approach. The files are named torque-<key>.* and temperature-<key>.*, where <key> is the placeholder of the keys in the PLUGINS dict in the config. An example is shown below, where the three different force models are distinguished by color. The multiplicity of curves for each model arises from varying the other models approaches, but those are not distinguished here.

Roll Torque Comparison of Force Models