Pinned Repositories
Soil GHG fluxes, data visualization, gasfluxes calculation, selection and quality control
Calculate the minimal detectable flux from static chamber measurements
Tools for assessing N2O isotopocule fluxes and quality assurance from QCL data
This is the interactive data platform of the SAE mesocosm experiment in Eschikon. We present surface fluxes of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxid as well as these gas concentration in the depth profile and soil moisture, temperature and oxygen content data.
pyroman1337's Repositories
Soil GHG fluxes, data visualization, gasfluxes calculation, selection and quality control
Tools for assessing N2O isotopocule fluxes and quality assurance from QCL data
Calculate the minimal detectable flux from static chamber measurements
This is the interactive data platform of the SAE mesocosm experiment in Eschikon. We present surface fluxes of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxid as well as these gas concentration in the depth profile and soil moisture, temperature and oxygen content data.