
Thematic.js geovisualization library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A library for visualizing geographical data in the web. This is created as a result of my master's thesis. Under construction, probably not suitable for production use yet.


To do. Meanwhile, see examples, or JSFiddle.

When using npm/browserify, using thematic.js is as simple as running npm install -S thematic and adding var thematic = require('thematic'); in your code.

For browserify use in more detail, take a look at thematic-example example project. You'll see that using Thematic.js is really straightforward.


Use the following to start developing Thematic.js. Node.js and npm are needed as prerequisites.

  1. Install Gulp: npm install -g gulp
  2. Install npm dependencies: npm install
  3. Run gulp dev server with gulp
  4. Locate to http://localhost:3000


Thematic.js is licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.md for further details).


Thematic.js is based on several open source libraries, including Leaflet, heatmap.js and Leaflet.markercluster.

The build system configuration and structure are based on gulp-starter by Dan Tello, licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.md for further details).

This project is a grateful recipient of the Futurice Open Source sponsorship program.